So my sister came over today, and we had some fun experimenting in the kitchen. We were trying to come up with a name for these, when my nephew, Orrin, said, “How about Monkey Poop?” So, Monkey Poop it is! Love the texture in these–it’s like peanut butter banana ice cream on the inside!
Pin it for later!
Recipe: Monkey Poop
3 ripe bananas
1 cup peanut butter or almond butter
1/4 cup unsweetened coconut flakes
2 TBSP pure maple syrup
splash vanilla
1 (10 oz) bag dairy-free, soy-free chocolate chips
Combine all the ingredients except the chocolate chips in a blender or food processor, and blend until well-combined. Scoop onto a parchment-covered baking sheet:
Freeze for about 30-40 minutes, until hard enough to handle. While those are freezing, melt chocolate in a double boiler. Let cool for 10-15 minutes. Dip each banana/peanut butter ball in the chocolate and return to parchment paper. Place back in freezer to harden. Enjoy!
Note: Store in freezer for best results
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Maggie says
Are the bananas supposed to be frozen to start? I just tried this and when I try to scoop the mix onto the baking sheet it is too runny to hold the scooped shape! I just put the whole food processor in the fridge to try to harden it a little.
radlandon says
Hi, Maggie! Mine were not frozen. They weren’t mushy ripe, though. I’m sorry yours is runny! I don’t know why it would be that way unless your bananas were overripe or your almond/peanut butter was extra oily??
Maggie says
They weren’t too mushy…It may have been the almond butter? Not sure. But I ended up putting dollops into a mini muffin tin, freezing them, then spooning a drizzle of melted chocolate on top and freezing again. They came out great!
TC Ujvary says
Hi I had the same problem as everybody else, it was very runny and the only thing I could think to do with it was drink it! I added almond flour and coconut flakes to thicken it after leaving it in the fridge overnight. Have you omitted something from your recipe as there is a big space in the ingredients between bananas and peanut butter?
Life Made Full says
Hi, TC! There aren’t any ingredients missing…I’m just not sure what the difference is between success and failure. lol I’ve made it multiple times with success, not sure if it has to do with the type of peanut butter…mine is the Kirkland brand. I will do some more investigating…
Susan says
Sometimes , weather, location and humidity will have the same effects on certain foods. Especially if oil of grease of any form is used.
Christy says
I just had the same issue! Bananas were not too ripe, and I used natural pub. Last time I made them I used regular pub, so that may be the issue. Did they freeze well in the muffin tins? Did they come out of the tin easily?
radlandon says
Hmmm…I didn’t use a muffin tin? I just put them on parchment paper on a baking sheet. Do you think you over-blended? Maybe pulsing a bit? So sorry you’re having problems!! I made them again, and they turned out fine! How frustrating for you! Wish I was there to help figure it out!
Michelle Lee says
This was too liquidy for me too. Maybe the coconut flakes are not optional? I left them out. I ended up spreading the batter into an 8×8 pan, freezing for a bit, then putting the melted chocolate on top and freezing.
radlandon says
I’m sorry, Michelle! I’ve left the coconut flakes out before, and didn’t have a problem? So sorry yours didn’t turn out!!
Natalie says
Mine was really runny too. I put the whole mixture still in the bowl into the freezer. Hoping that it’ll harden enough to put into balls.
Tamyr says
Hi, I love the concept but like many of the people who commented, mine wasn’t sturdy either. I left out the flour and forgot the vanilla, but I don’t think that’s much of a problem. I’ll try to experiment with it some more because I love the taste regardless of the somewhat runny texture. Funny name too!
radlandon says
Was it still runny after freezing?
Phyllis Jones says
Made these for Thanksgiving. As others have said, the mixture was too runny to form into balls (did not use coconut). I lined mini-cupcake tins and froze the mixture in the liners. Then I covered the top with the melted chocolate and froze again. Delicious, like little frozen Reeses peanut butter cups.
Amy Moore says
I just made these….all you have to do is leave out the maple syrup and they are perfectly firm to scoop out with a scooper. They don’t really need the maple syrup…they are plenty sweet and delicious without it.
Life Made Full says
Note: I’ve updated the recipe so the coconut flakes are not optional. I think that’s why people were having problems with it being runny!
Madison Fowler says
Hi there, me and a friend tried to make these, the batter was very runny and wasn’t working. Also our chocolate chis wouldnt melt.( I think it is because they were old) So we managed to make a delicious snack!
Peanut Butter Protein Bites
• 1.5 Ripe Bananas
• ½ Cup Peanut Butter
• 2 Tbsp Unsweetened Coconut Flakes
• 1 Tbsp Pure Maple Syrup
• Splash of Vanilla
• ½ Cup Unsweetened Chocolate Chips
• 2 Scoops of Peanut Butter Protein or other Protein
• 1/3 Cup Ground Flaxseed
• 1 Tsp Baking Powder
• ¼ Cup Sliver Almonds ( or any nut or fruit)
Combine all ingredients (except chocolate chips) with hand mixer. After all combined, pour into a 6 by 6 pan greased with coconut oil. Sprinkle Chocolate chips on top. Bake at 350 for 25 mins or until the edges are slightly browned.
Life Made Full says
Hi, Madison! Great recipe. I’m sorry these were runny. There must be a difference depending on the ripeness of the bananas. We’ve made them multiple times, and they haven’t been runny, but it seems some people do have that problem. Glad you found a solution!
madison says
i just made these, and used peanut butter for half of the batch, and my all natural almond butter for the other half. the half made with peanut butter stayed together much better, not sure if it’s because it’s pb or because it wasn’t all natural like my almond butter so had more fillers in it?
the good thing about this recipe, even though it may get a little messy, you can’t really go wrong with this combination of ingredients!
Kelly says
I had the same problem everyone else had with it being “banana soup”

I poured the soup into a piping bag, snipped off the end, and piped it into silicone candy molds. I popped them into the freezer for several hours until they were hard. Then I dipped them into chocolate (I melted coconut oil with the chocolate), plopped them onto a wax-paper lined baking sheet and threw them back in the freezer – delish!
Ehrin says
I’m not much of a commenter but figured I’d post since I’ve made two batches of monkey poop and neither batch was too runny to scoop and freeze. The first batch I used almond butter and 2T of maple syrup. The second batch I used sunflower seed butter and 1T of syrup, since the sunflower seed butter is sweetened. With both batches I used 2 very very ripe bananas and 1 that was ripe, but not brown. I did not omit the coconut flakes. However I did use the large flakes and not the ones that are finer milled. I want to throw my two cents in since I just love these as a late night or a “whenever” treat. I’ve been singing their praises to friends and coworkers left and right bit am to greedy to give any away.
Life Made Full says
Thanks for letting me know, Ehrin! I’ve been racking my brain trying to figure out why some people are having issues!
Ehrin says
Just a follow up. I had a rather runny batch yesterday. I believe it’s because I used a brand new, not refrigerated, jar of almond butter. I think because the oils were “loose” so to speak it made the butter very runny – hence the mixture very runny. I simply added in some additional coconut flakes until the mixture came together!
Life Made Full says
Thanks for letting me know, Ehrin. Maybe that’s why some people seem to have issues with the runny-ness? I should make a note of that in my post! Thanks again!
Angela says
I’m so sad with how mine turned out. I thought 3 bananas would be too much so I used 2 1/2 and my mixture still came out way too runny. I wish I knew how much banana after blended because bananas can vary so much in size. I made the almond butter by hand and didn’t have any more so I froze the mixture in silicone molds. Then when I tried to dip them in the chocolate it seized up (or got some of the melted banana/almond mixture in it to make it look grainy) after dipping two of them.
This recipe made A LOT. Now I’m left with a bunch of banana almond hearts and bunnies that melt really fast. I will try to half the recipe next time and slowly add the banana to get a thicker consistency but I would recommend a recipe that has precise measurement of the ingredients used.
Life Made Full says
I’m sorry you had problems, Angela. =( I will try going back through the recipe and adding exact ingredients. It seems different sized bananas produce different results!
Rebecca says
Nom Nom Paleo actually has a similar recipe, without the pb or almond butter. She suggests freezing the sliced bananas, adding to the food processor (this is where you will add the nut butter), scoop into a freezer safe container and freeze another two hours to firm up. Scoop out onto a baking sheet and freeze AGAIN until firm. Yes, this will take patience but will be worth the wait.
Amanda says
I make these all the time! My kids beg for them. They never turn out runny. I use natural pb and honey.
Missy says
I just made this recipe and LOVED IT!!!! Thank you so much for sharing. These are dangerously good. And I didn’t have any problems with the “dough” being too runny. I used Justin’s Classic Peanut Butter. I have a hunch that almond butter would maybe be bit oilier and thus runnier? Love these so much!
Shanti Landon says
Awesome! Thx for letting me know, Missy!
Kim Huculiak says
So Shanti, I’m wondering about this recipe. I’m planning on making this tomorrow, but I’m concerned with all the problems people are having making this and it not being thick enough. So I wonder are they using REAL MAPLE SYRUP or are they using PANCAKE SYRUP instead that says it’s maple flavored? Also could they be using like one of the people said Almond Butter and it’s not as thick or has more oil in it than Peanut Butter? I also think that like a couple have said they didn’t put the coconut in and coconut can really be an important ingredient helping to bind the ingredients together. Also in the recipe you say a splash of vanilla, but that’s not a good way to tell people to add vanilla, because a splash to you maybe a Tablespoon of vanilla to someone else, which could be WAAAAAYYYY TOO MUCH VANILLA!!! Actually measure it and then tell us what the actual measurement is. My mom used to tell me in some of her recipes she created to use a capfull of vanilla, which also isn’t a good form of measurement cuz not each cap is the same size. So I started measuring them and putting in the right measurement so my children could put in the right amount. These little facts maybe the problem in those recipes that aren’t working out. I’ll let you know as I’m going to try a few things and see what makes the difference. I’ll let you know what I find out! MERRY CHRISTMAS!!! AND HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!!