Good morning! It’s Monday again (how does that happen?!) and it’s time for US to pray for YOU!
Do you or someone you know need prayer today? If so, share your request here, and my kids and I will pray for you tomorrow morning.
Just a follow up: Thank you to those of you who prayed for our friend who has a brain tumor. She has a scheduled surgery date now, so we are just praying the surgery is successful and she has a smooth recovery.
Looking forward to praying for you all tomorrow morning!
For more info on Prayer Warrior Monday, check out THIS link.
Lisa V says
please pray for my ex-husband who is going through rehab
Jane B says
We need to make a business/partnership decision in the coming weeks. We need wisdom.
HEidi says
My 15 yo step son is at a pivotal moment in his life and questioning the values he was (half way) raised with. He seems torn between two worlds. Please pray for the wisdom of the Holy Spirit and the quickening in his heart to be recognized. Also that he will find his strength in God.
THANKS!! You are awesome to put aside this day each week to cover others in prayer! Way to raise the kids right.
AIXA says
Hello amazing family!
She lives in Puerto Rico which makes it even harder for me because I’d love to be there for her. We are planning a visit in September, which brings me to my prayer requests. I would like a prayer for my mom, Grace’s health. And for God to line things up so we can make this trip possible. THANK YOU and be blessed!
I have been very concerned lately about my moms health. Unfortunately, she does not tell my brother and I all the details (not to worry us). But we know something is not right.
Kate says
I am asking for prayers for health. First for my daughter in law who suffered a miscarriage that she will be okay and that they will be able to have a happy healthy pregnancy with a happy healthy baby.
Please also pray for me, I just moved and my arthritis in my legs is very bad, started eating paleo about 3 weeks ago feels like it might be getting a little better but still using my cane and hard to walk. So praying for health and my legs to be better and to be able to lose weight. I so want to be a healthy and good grandmother.
Thank you so much, your family is so sweet to do this and I deeply appreciate your prayers.
God Bless You,
leandrea kelly says
Pray for the strength of my mom she’s having surgery Wednesday on her back and also for my fiance he has promotion at his job and help him to flourish and become the success man he wants to be and I know he can be.
Katherine says
Sometimes I think my life could be a soap opera, or maybe a comedy depending on how you look at it. The day after my daughter’s wedding, my husband fell down the stairs and broke his ankle. Thank goodness it was after the wedding! But…it was 2 days before we were packing up to move to a different state. I am asking for prayers of thanks for the friends and family who stepped up and helped us pack up one house and then drove from Michigan to West Virginia to help us unpack in our new house. I am also asking for prayers of healing for my husband Brian.