I’m really looking forward to doing a Whole30 Challenge starting January 1st! If you don’t know what the Whole30 is or you need a refresher, check out THIS page. It’s gonna be good!
I’ve completed one Whole30, but I think after my indulgences over this past month, my body is ready for another “reset.” If you’d like to join me, leave a comment here or on my Facebook page under the link to this blog post saying what you most look forward to about doing a Whole30. One lucky person will receive a FREE Success Guide valued at $39! The Success Guide isn’t necessary, but incredibly helpful in succeeding. You won’t be sorry if you decide to do this. And you’ll be amazed at the habits and reliance on certain foods you realize you have.
So, who’s in???
Maria Fahlsing says
I am looking forward to doing the challenge to get the year started out on a healthier path. I am doing this for me, because I want to live the best life I can for as long as I can.
radlandon says
Yay! Good job for taking control!
Tina B. says
I am looking forward to feeling better, having more energy and stopping the constant cravings for sugar and carbs. I am also looking forward to changing how my family views food/snacks and helping them learn to make healthy choices for themselves. And to be honest, I am also looking forward to hopefully losing some weight
radlandon says
Great! Good luck–you will *definitely* notice a difference!
Linda Mcmullen Marcy says
Looks like a great way to jump start my New Year!
Jill says
I did my first Whole30 in October and was amazed at how it changed my perspective on food. I hadn’t even thought about doing another so soon, but with some of the stuff I chose to eat just because it was the holidays, it’s not a bad idea to start the year out right.
Kimberly says
So ready for a reset and to make progress towards losing the leftover pregnancy weight!
brandy says
I want to do Whole30 because I need the extra help to finally ditch the sugar. I’m 41 and am allergic to so many foods. Hopefully this will help get me started on healing my body.
Libbi says
my husband and i are going to be doing it. he’s been challenged to lose weight by his family (with a cash reward for whoever loses the most) and i’m helping while still trying to lose the rest of the weight i’ve gained since marrying him.
Chowstalker says
Hi Shanti! Just shared your giveaway on our FB page too! When will you be selecting the winner?
radlandon says
I’ll pick the winner on New Year’s Eve!
Stephanie says
Looking forward to resetting and following paleo more strictly. Like others have said, getting a new perception on food and setting the stage to help !others
Meagan says
Definitley due for a sugar detox. Im in, would love a guide!!
Brenda says
I’m in! I was doing so well and need a reset too after some cheats this past week. Thanks for the offer and LOVE your blog. So glad I found it!
Anna says
I’m looking forward to starting the next year off right. I’m getting married next December, and I finally convinced my fiancé to do this with me too! I want both of us to regain our health so that we make it through this stressful planning time. And I won’t lie, I want both of us to lose weight so we look our best!
Amy says
i am looking forward to not feeling like CRAP all the time!
jessica says
I am so ready for a reset…. I went almost compleaty off my diet, and boy I can feel it… I have lost 26 pounds since may and 17 inchs…. looking for a way for hubby to get on bored… and not hate me for healthy eating.
Kristlynn Snyder says
I’m definitely ready for a reset. I’ve followed Dallas and Melissa on Facebook and at their whole9 website for a while, but I’ve never attempted the whole30, but I think it’s finally time!!
Marj says
Looking for a new year reset too. Would live to have someone to do the whole 30 with.
Bea says
I am gearing up for my first Whole30! I have been frustrated with the entire deal with getting healthier and basically gave up the last 3 months of the year. Unfortunately this has left me in a carb overload with severe sugar and caffeine issues (college student). So now is the time to get it straightened out and Whole30 makes a ton of sense! It is not going to be a cake walk but cake got me here to start with so whatever!
APRYL says
I’m really looking forward to feeling better. My diet has slipped backwards and I’m really feeling it. Not positive I can do the strictness of this though, need to go back and reread, but committed to get serious
Chris says
I am most looking forward to kicking my addiction to sugar! I am also looking forward to showing my family that if I can complete the Whole30 challenge, than they can definitely start eating paleo!
NuryRaq says
I was already planning a Whole30 challenge, so I’m in!!
Janna says
I am looking forward to feeling better, having more energy and less brain fog, and to losing some weight. But mostly just feeling better!
Kathy says
I’m looking forward to fine tuning my paleo eating (cough cough..not cheating), losing some inches and gaining strength!
Karla T says
I’m looking forward to losing weight but more importantly feeling great!
Nichole says
I am looking forward to starting off 2012 with the right tools to lead a healthier life. I’ve got my fitness down now to get my nutrition!
Elizabeth says
I do really well with working out but really need to make a change in my eating habits. I know I need to commit to see and feel a difference. Ready to start!
Rebecca says
I’ve been a vegetarian for five years and have decided to overhaul my eating. I’m looking forward to eating without grains or dairy!
Lynette says
I’m in!!
toni says
SO NEED THIS. count me in.
Ericka C says
I decided to do the Whole 30 after realizing what the holidays have done to my energy levels and my waist line. I am so excited to get started and make 2012 AWESOME!!!
Mokona says
I’ve tried to go Paleo before but always fall off the wagon. I’m looking forward to doing the Whole30 plan in 2012 so I can finally do things the right way and not be tempted by junk any more! :). I am such a sugar addict, but I can’t stand feeling like crap anymore.
Yelena says
I’m in, I did well working out n ok eating, but need to restart n detox from all holiday drinking.
Ashley says
My husband and i are doing the challenge. i can’t wait to lose the bloat.!
Belinda says
I’m looking forward to having my energy back, this past 2 weeks have been so full of junk and rubbish, I’m struggling to get up in the mornings again
Jess K. says
Yes, I can’t wait for the energy, sleeping better, and leaning out a bit!!
Bree says
I can’t wait to start the Whole 30…in fact, I’ve committed to a half marathon for the challenge and the Whole 30 to help me feel better during training. I’m also looking forward to kicking sugar to the curb!
Cathy M says
I could really use a reset. There has been a lot of stress and holiday eating and I need to get on track for the New year.
Kim says
I’m so ready to do the Whole30 starting on 1/1! I’ve been eating primally for a few months now and am really looking forward to seeing what eliminating dairy can do for me!
Aimee says
I’m looking forward to feeling mentally stable again after falling off the wagon pretty bad, which has seriously screwed with my emotional state. Blah! Learned my lesson now it’s time to get my head straight again
Andrea says
I’m totally in! I finished my first W30 on November 1st but still need some fine tuning! And…my mom is doing it with me this time!
Tricia says
I’m doing my 4th Whole 30, but it’s my parents’ first and I would LOVE to give them the guide. Pick me, pick me!
Steph says
Looking forward to my reset, and starting 2012 with a little n=1 to try and figure out if my diet can fix a persistent allergy problem.
Eric says
My fiance and I are ready to go. We’ve been Paleo for seven months now and are looking foward to giving ourselves a fresh start for the year.
Teresa says
I most look forward to accomplishing the Whole30. I’ve looked at it time and time again, but never had the courage to try it alone. I would really like to work on my focus more and feel that this would be the first hurdle for me. Sugar is something I have NEVER been able to give up, but I am ready to be rid of this addiction for good.
Karin says
Eager to join
Lilyheart says
I’m looking forward the the gut and metabolism healing. December has not been kind to my poor tummy.
Shannon says
I am looking forward to better sleep, clearer skin, decreased bloating/indigestion, and hopefully, weight loss! I have been paleo-ish before, and really fallen off the wagon over the holidays, so I look forward to feeling and looking as good as I can!
Emily says
Just looking forward to starting the year off with a bit of a challenge, and hoping to really get a reset on some of those little food habits I still let slip even though they may technically still be “Paleo”… Here’s to a wonderful new year everyone!!
Jill says
After my first Whole 30in July I learned, to my absolute surprise, that dairy IS a problem for me. Eliminatating it made my energy levels soar and sugar cravings all but disappeafor the first time ever. Low carb didn’t do that, a year without any sugar at all didn’t do that!. I look forward to reinforcing what I have learned.
Rose says
Looking forward to getting our whole family healthier. I have 4 teenagers and a husband who all eat way too much sugar and grains. I’d love for them to see how much better they feel without all the junk. Hoping for less acne, no acid reflux, better sleep and more energy!
Cindi@MyPrimalAdventures says
I need a clean break from sugar, dairy and alcohol (urrgh, love my wine….) I want a reset! I tried to go dairy-free when I started eating primally/paleo back in August and just couldn’t kick the habit in my coffee. This time, I have a coconut milk no-sweetener-added coffee creamer that hopefully will make difference for a healthier me!
Jill says
I found that coconut milk in my coffee is actually better than cream. I just use the canned kind with no added guar gum.. I haven’t been able to tolerate black coffee yet as hard as I have tried.
Crystal says
My husband and I have been dabbling around with paleo for several months now, but have not taken it seriously. The holidays and travel have been a huge challenge and we have both gained weight. I can’t wait to dive in and see and feel results!!!! We are dedicated to giving a full 30 days!
Stacy B. says
I am ready to feel like I should when I hit those CrossFit workouts! My husband and I have been trying to eat clean, but those Christmas temptations of fudge, cookies…etc need to get out of our house!! Our gym CrossFit Oregon City is starting at the end of January, which will be great to get that much needed reset. We live in Oregon which is famous for so many great breweries, and although I’ll miss the beloved beer, I’m ready for a challenge and to ditch the alcohol. Yay for 2012!!
Melissa Wayne says
I’m in! I’ve been eating fairly clean over the holidays, but i still need a clean break from the dairy and wine. And I would LOVE a copy of the success guide.
Debra says
Would love to have a helpful guide like that! The main trip up for me has always been the social eating. Would love helpful ways to overcome that!
radlandon says
Good idea! I’ll work on this.
Jay Feitlinger says
Super excited for this. Just downloaded the eBook and getting myself ready for 1/1/12. Definitely in and looking forward to seeing and feeling results in early February after 30 day challenge.
Diane says
I know dairy is going to be the hard one for me but I’m planning on joining.
Paula says
Count me in for a 15 day reboot. After that I’ll be on a trip for 3 weeks and doing my best to remain gluten/grain/legume free, but will probably need another Whole 30!
Theresa says
I’m looking forward to trying different foods and expanding my cooking skills while decreasing my waist! Thanks for the chance to be a part of a community and to win!
Leslie Henry says
Alright Shanti – I’m IN (and very scared…) I have a feeling you are going to be getting to know me better than you had ever hoped or wanted to! Time to start PRAYING!!! Thank you for doing this – you are amazing!
radlandon says
Yay, Leslie!! So excited for you. You’re going to feel UH-mazing at the end of 30 days!!!
Allyson says
I have been doing paleo sine aug 1 st and lost 34 lbs. however my weight loss has come to a halt since I have gotten pretty good at making paleo treats. All of that stops as of jan 1. Can’t wait to get that scale moving by removing all kinds of sugar. The book would be a great help!
Salania Evans-Bass says
Hello! I’m new to detoxing and the primal/paleo lifestyle. I’ve been reading a lot of good information and books by Mark Sisson. I’m starting my new lifestyle with the new year, starting the Whole 30 on Jan 1. I’m most looking forward to becoming healthy with my family. I would love to lose weight and inches but more importantly want myself and my family to be healthy freaks lol! I want us to have more energy, sleep better and look better. Our health is so important to me and I can’t wait to get started!
Cori says
I am looking forward to doing my first Whole30 challenge, as I have been playing with Paleo for a while, but not committing to it 100% to see what kind of changes and results it actually produces. I am hoping for a clearer head, some weight loss, and coffee-free energy! Thanks for sharing your tips and meal plans! I am glad I came across your site. Ever think of joining twitter? I think you’d be a great contributor!
radlandon says
Hmmm…haven’t tried Twitter yet. I’m scared. lol I’ll look into it!
radlandon says
Hmmm…haven’t tried Twitter yet. I’m scared. lol I’ll look into it!
Linz says
Looking forward to not only feeling better on the inside but also hopefully start feeling better on how I look on the outside.
Melissa says
I’m looking forward to the adventure of finding the healthier me!
Barbara says
I have been eating Primal for most of this year and definitely have more strength and energy. The holidays have had a huge effect on my eating habits and this 30 day Challenge is just what I need to get back on track and get a better perspective of the Paleo lifestyle.
Elizabeth Kootsikas says
After years of weight gain associated with infertility, gestational diabetes, and finally becoming a new mother, I am committed to taking care of myself this new year. Ready to eat better not to lose weight, but to be present and active for my amazing son.
radlandon says
Great! Good luck, Elizabeth!
Tracy E says
I am starting on January 1 with a friend. I have never done this before, but know there are a lot of foods that adversely affect me and I want to have energy again so I can keep up with my little girls!
sarah k. says
I think I’m ready to get me and my family on track, and I think with all our issues, even my kids are on board. I think we can do this, especially with community help! Thanks.
Renee R says
Just looking forward to getting back to a normal eating schedule. Want to up my fitness this year and this is the perfect way to start. It also feels like lots of good energy out there when so many people are on the whole 30 with you!
Karen B says
This will be a huge life-style adjustment for me but I am ready!!! I am not starting until the 16th of january though. I want to prepare my 30 days of meals recipes to start off right!
radlandon says
Great idea!
Pamela Z says
Right there with ya! Looking forward to it. I’ll also be doing a 21 day sugar detox!
Alena M says
Looking forward to getting off my sugar addiction… I’ve been working on it for awhile, and this is the end – I am ready to be done with it!
Melanie says
Brittanie says
I would love this. I have put on 15lbs in the past six months from eating too many sweets and too much in general. I am def. interested in the Whole 30 program.
Dawn says
So excited to try this program!
Samantha says
I’m taking on my second Whole30 and I’m so excited about…although I’m taking to calling it WholeLife because I know if I want to feel the best I can, it’s how I must eat!
Melisa says
I just found your site and hope I’m not too late to get into the giveaway! I’m starting my first whole 30 and first time I have been 100% paleo.
Alicia says
The main thing I’m looking forward to is how my body will feel after 30 days of super clean eating! After that, I’m interested in testing how my body reacts to dairy. I grew up drinking almost no water but at least 4 large glasses of milk a day, plenty of cheese, etc. I now seem to feel gross after ingesting a lot of dairy in one sitting, but I’m wondering how my body truly reacts to it in moderate quantities. I think it will be best to test this after the Whole 30, without the shield of other possible food reactions going on.
Alissa says
I’m looking forward to finally kicking some bad food habits/dependencies. I’ve been off dairy for the last 6 months and reduced sugar for the last 4…i’ve felt great so i can’t wait to see how energized I get with the whole30!
Lisa says
Hi! I would like to do this as well, will you be starting another one soon? Is the information somewhere on the site, that I could start it now in my own, if needed?
radlandon says
Hi, Lisa! Check out the tab on the top of my blog for a list of the workouts for all 30 days! Enjoy!