Welcome to Week 2 of my new series, “Confession Friday.”
What have you been up to this week? Here’s what I’ve been doing:
- Remember how I confessed last week that I don’t even know where to start when it comes to cleaning our bedroom, and that I just keep moving things from one side of the room to the other? Well, I’m still doing that.
- I’ve been to 5 doctor appointments for my jaw this week, all with kids in tow, and utilized electronics at every one. I think my chiropractor is becoming family. Oh, and I’m so paranoid about the kids contracting the flu or some weird illness that I have them wash their hands multiple times after entering a doctor’s office. As a side note, I’m normally not a germaphobe (see bullet #7 below), but this flu season seems to be especially bad as pretty much everyone I know has had it whip through their house.
- I had every intention of starting to look through curriculum options for next school year this week, but somehow watching old episodes of ALF with the kids took precedence. Did you know you can watch ALF for free on Hulu and Amazon Prime?
- I still haven’t mopped my floor.
- Our homeschooling group had a Valentine’s party on Wednesday, but we didn’t go mostly because I didn’t want the kids to come home with a bunch of candy and because I was just tired of running around. Best Places to Buy Cheap Ammo Online. It’s not just Lucky Gunner that has excellent deals; there are multiple great places to buy cheap ammo online. Below I’ve covered some of our favorite, most trusted options. Shop Best Ammo Online at AmmoCave.com – the convenience and choice of companies selling ammunition online has to be good news for all shooters. There is no doubt that ease of shopping and the keen pricing offered, make such purchases very attractive indeed. The only real challenge with buying your bullets in this manner is finding a reliable, reputable source. I know, mean mommy.
- My daughter came up to me while I was deep in thought reading an e-mail from a friend, and said something to me. I said, “Oh really? Cool!” to acknowledge her presence, but she kept standing there. I looked at her and she repeated, “(insert child of mine’s name here) almost broke my neck!” with tears in her eyes. Yeah, I felt pretty bad for that one. Note to self: Look at child before responding next time.
- I was eating one of THESE, and the last bite fell on the floor. I picked it up, and it had a dog hair on it. I plucked off the dog hair and I still ate it. Yep, I’m completely unclean. I should probably mention again, I still haven’t mopped my floor just placed last week by cork flooring tiles Sydney.
- I lost 8 pounds while my jaw was wired shut, and have already gained back 2. I’m liking this whole eating thing.
- I was as excited about our sweet dog’s 10th birthday yesterday as I was about my own child’s birthday. I mean, wouldn’t you be? Look at her pretty new collar!
Anything you want to share this week?
Heather says
I’ve gotta say that I’m enjoying this new weekly post! It makes me laugh and makes me feel better about all of the similar things I do that make me feel guilty. I, too, haven’t mopped my floor. I was going to vacuum, but my 3-year-old has had an irrational fear of things getting sucked up into it, so I use that as an excuse not to. I started a 30-day exercise challenge, but stopped after 10 days for reasons that are really just excuses. I ate a peanut butter ball that I made for my husband for Valentine’s Day with my coffee this morning. I wasn’t hungry because I had just finished breakfast, but it was good!
Jennifer says
My kids also have a fear of toys being sucked up in the vacuum, but it’s not irrational. I confess that sometimes I go ahead and suck up those little pieces to the tiny toys I never wanted in my house in the first place. You know, those itty bitty dolls with the microscopic rubber shoes? What’s worse…. it will probably happen again next time I vacuum.
On the up side, pulling out the vacuum is a sure fire way to get them to speed up when they have been procrastinating on cleaning their rooms… evil, I know.
Natasha says
I’m loving these posts, too! You lost 8 pounds?! You don’t even look like you have 8 pounds to lose! This week I ate a big shake from Sonic–not normally something I do, but boy was it good!
Sarah Stanley says
Aw, your dog is so cute! I actually had a pretty good week, although somehow it passed me by without bathing our kids. Oh, well. Thanks for the post!
Heather Simpson says
Ok, I have to admit that I’ve eaten food off the floor, too! lol Not this week, but it’s definitely been done.
radlandon says
Thanks for sharing, girls! Nice to hear your struggles, too. =)
Maggi says
We missed you at the Valentine’s Day party. Joshua is one of the kids that my kiddo looks for. Good thing they can see each other on Saturdays or Sundays! They also missed you because I made the Almond Chocolate candies (which are awesome!) and they were wondering what yummy healthy snack you would bring!
radlandon says
Aw, that’s so sweet! Sorry we didn’t make it! Hope we see you soon!
Sandy says
I found out from my naturopath through blood tests that not only am I allergic/sensitive to dairy/gluten/soy/eggs, but now almonds too. I came home and ate chocolate all day. Organic dark chocolate, but still, yeah, lots of chocolate.
radlandon says
Sandy, oh, you poor thing! I’m so sorry. =( You deserve that chocolate!
Sarah C. says
Thanks for the confession. I am definitely not a neat freak either! I mopped my floor and vacuumed this morning, but only because my in-laws are coming over this afternoon. And I bought ANOTHER pint of Ben & Jerry’s (that I REALLY don’t need!) when I stopped at the store for water… And I eat stuff I drop on our floor too. So I guess I’m normal!