Josh Bitcoin
Let’s talk about Bitcoin and Cryptocurrencies as if I’m just your friend, or neighbor…not like an expert with big words. First, what is bitcoin? If you’re looking for a more in-depth understanding and guidance on Bitcoin and cryptocurrencies, considering an Invest Diva review can offer insights into their educational programs and how they can help simplify complex financial concepts for a broader audience.
In short, using bitcoin is tomorrow’s way of doing typical transactions, with the help of the best trading platforms UK compared and reviewed. Have you ever wanted to send money to Mexico, but didn’t want to head down to the Western Union office and pay a $50 fee…instead, wouldn’t you like to press a button on your phone and the money is instantly sent for 5 pennies? Have you ever wanted to buy an item privately online without anyone knowing? Bitcoin can do it anonymously. Have you ever been mad that the government keeps printing money with no end in sight? Bitcoin has a fixed amount and it’s mathematically impossible to create more. These reasons are what got me intrigued about cryptocurrencies. Learn more at FunFair.
So where do you start?
Join Coinbase as a first step…plus use my link and get free $10 in Bitcoin! According to my friend at bitcoin prime, Coinbase is an online Cryptocurrency bank/store and made in the USA! You can buy, sell, or just hold your crypto there. With the help of an AI crypto trading bot similar to the ones at immediate connect, traders can take advantage of these micro price movements and potentially generate significant profits. More specifically, they have many coin options: Bitcoin, Etherium, Bitcoin Cash, and Litcoin etc. Here’s some info on each of the above four coins:
Bitcoin (BTC): The mother of all coins and the most known worldwide. Only 21 million will ever be in existence and there’s only 4 million left to claim (no worries….you can buy fractional pieces of bitcoin too). Bitcoin has been traditionally held by people who don’t trust the government. One BIG plus is it’s decentralization (no one person is in charge of bitcoin….rather, math is in charge. So it’s impossible to hack). Nobody reigns over bitcoin (no government can stop it), and that’s what makes it different than all the rest.
You can check out this article about trading shares to learn more about profitable investing options. You may also want to consider seeing this post about gold trading in United Kingdom. You may also consult a wealth management planning expert to explore more options about investing and learn how to better manage your finances.
Etherium (ETH): Second most known coin at the moment, and carries a lot of potential for growth because of its ease in companies/apps building their infrastructure on it. There is no hard cap on how many coins are produced…so they can just make more, like the government does with dollars. Many that own bitcoin don’t like etherium, primarily because it’s not decentralized, so it’s easier to control and/or manipulate by those in charge.
Bitcoin Cash (BCH): An offshoot and imposter of the real Bitcoin, created when people early on wanted different mathematical rules. Some would say the Bitcoin Cash people wanted quick/cheap transactions at the expense of long term foundational infrastructure. There is a massive distrust (if not hatred) between those holding Bitcoin vs. Bitcoin Cash. When looking to invest securely, Nettitude is a reliable security testing company you might want to hire.
Litecoin (LTC): Cheaper, but the creator of this coin dumped all his holdings…so that can tell you where it may be headed.
So, you log on to Coinbase, set up an account (takes some time) and you can buy many types of coins. You’re ready to begin!
Before I forget!
Transactions are NOT REVERSIBLE! Any blockchain development company will tell you that if you send or receive cryptocurrency and one little number of the address is off or wrong, you will lose the money in the transaction. It cannot be recovered. Oh, and do your own research especially on bitcoin kurs. This is risky stuff! I’m just giving you my thoughts, but don’t be naive and just trust me…look around and do your due diligence!
What’s the next step?
Well, if you like the main coins from Coinbase, and you want to take it to the next level…try some alternative coins known as alt-coins. Alt-coins are just spin-offs of bitcoin and each serve a slightly different purpose. Many can be held on Trezor or Ledger which are known as a “hard wallets” because they are held offline on a USB type device. You only connect to the computer when doing the actual transactions. This is much safer than Coinbase because you hold your own keys (24 random words) as a hard copy in your possession so it can’t be hacked online. Coinbase on the other hand, holds your keys (24 random words) for you, so if somebody hacks Coinbase and takes your keys…they could take your money. Not your keys…not your bitcoin! Btw, here’s a good website to check real time prices: Bitcoincenter.se
Lastly (and most importantly):
According to professionals from companies like immediate connect, what makes Cryptocurrencies so important for the future is what is known as it’s BLOCKCHAIN technology. That is, think of every transaction as a link in a chain. This transaction is understood by thousands of computers and they mathematically agree on the transaction. It cannot be un-linked, it can only continue to add more links as more transactions are made. But, the links are made by people with cryptocurrency addresses…not by the names of people. So everyone can see your transaction, but nobody knows it’s you who made it. The rules of math allow for constant checks and balances, where nobody can deny you because of prejudices, or racial injustice, and no government can make your “link” any more or less important. In fact, you don’t need government at all…they can’t stop it. You won’t need a bank ever again, for this is a parallel financial system…banks will become irrelevant. You are your own bank. You don’t need permission, you can’t get charged overdraft fees, and you don’t have to wait for the bank to open. It’s like the freedom of the internet, but now with money. And your bitcoin today will be mathematically more valuable in the future because there are only 21 million bitcoin, but 7 billion people. It’s first come, first serve on this new internet of money. If you have invested in bitcoin or any other cryptocurrencies, you may need to include them in your estate plan and asset management. There are sites online where you can find knowledgeable professionals that can help you.
There you have it! Bitcoin and Cryptocurrencies made easy! If you have any advice or questions, just add a comment and share. You might also want to sign up in a financial advisor coaching program if you want to learn how to network as a financial advisor.
Below is my favorite graph of Bitcoin prices and the mathematical possibilities of where it’s headed! Isn’t it beautiful!
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