Here’s how the 30 Day at-home workout challenge came to light: I like to be challenged. Well, not challenged so much that I’m gonna keel over, but challenged enough that I’m working toward something. Complacency is both my enemy and my demise. Once I stop challenging myself, I get bored, start doubting myself and begin to beat myself up for not doing something more.
I like running and have done a few 1/2 marathons. Sometimes I like it more than other times. I go through phases. But a few months ago, I started to feel that complacency starting to set in. I was getting into a running rut. I began to dread my mid-week runs and would try to think of excuses to talk myself out of going out for a jaunt. I have always looked forward to Saturday runs, as my running partner joins me and we can chit chat away, enjoying each other’s company. But I wanted something more…something different.
I always want to exercise more, but having 5 young children and homeschooling them leaves little flexibility for getting to a gym or group class, and being that my husband is a teacher, we don’t have a lot of extra cash laying around. I needed something to do at home. So, I started doing little workouts at home and I realized they are perfect for me right now. They are an awesome supplement to my running. I’m in good shape, but I’m not strong. I can’t do a pull-up, I get sore from hauling wood (yes, I’m a country girl), and I realized after one workout that running wasn’t working nearly as many muscles as I’d hoped for. To enhance my routine, I’m thinking about checking out Gym Equipment For Sale online.
30 Day at-home workout challenge:
So here’s the deal. 30 days. 30 chances to throw a quick work-out into your day. Seriously, some of these took me less than 10 minutes to complete, and I felt whipped at the end. It’s all about going hard, quick and efficiently. I will post my week’s workouts each Tuesday (or sometimes before). I’ll do “before” measurements and “after” measurements (although I’m not trying to lose weight, just gain muscle). I’ll post my results and I’ll share my failures (of which I’m sure there’ll be some). One concession: Saturdays are my “longer run” days, and I’ll usually do a 4-6 mile run. Sundays are my rest days. That means 6 days a week I’ll be doing something, even if it’s just a quick 5-rounds of squats and push-ups.
Here are my top five reasons you should join me in my “30 Day At-Home workout Challenge”:
5: You know you want to
4. You will become stronger (and you know you want to!)
3. Your confidence will soar (and you know you want it to!)
2. It’s not like you have to carve an hour out of your day to do an intense workout–fit in what you can (‘cuz you know you want to!)
1. At the end of 30 days, you will be amazed at your progress and you will be an inspiration to others! (and you know I want you to!)
So, are you in??
Here are my workouts for the next 7 days (If this is your first type of workout in a long time, lower the number of repetitions, if you’re already doing a fitness regime, you can up your repetitions to make it more challenging):
Wednesday, February 1: 10 push-ups, 10 sit-ups, 10 air squats (5 rounds)
Thursday, February 2: Run 1/2 mile, 25 (or 50 if you can) air squats (3 rounds)
Friday, February 3: 20 lunges, 10 push-ups (5 rounds)
Saturday, February 4: Longer run (or whatever it is that you like to do–biking, swimming, etc)
Sunday, February 5: Rest day!
Monday, February 6: 50-100 jumping jacks, 25 air squats, 20 push-ups, for time (keep a record of your time. I have THIS app for my iPhone, but you could just use plain pen and paper and do just fine!)
Tuesday, February 7: Run 1 mile for time
That’s it! Not too bad, right? Totally doable. A lot of times, I just do my workout outside while the kids are playing. Believe me, if I can do it, you can too! Sometimes I just cram in 100 air squats before my shower in the morning. Just as long as it’s something.
Again I ask, ARE YOU IN??
If you are looking for more workouts, try my most famous post with complete workouts for all 30 days. And if you want to add some meals to it, try my workouts with a meal plan! And last of all, let me know how you did with the 30 Day at-home workout challenge in the comment section.
Lorri says
I am IN! I have been looking for something that I can do from home, without having to buy anything, and this is PERFECT!! CrossFit is all the rage but being as overweight and out of shape as I am, I wouldn’t even consider stepping foot in a gym at this point even if I had the time or financial resources.
Your challenge is a God send!!
radlandon says
Woo hoo! Glad you’re in! You’ll do awesome!
Toni says
I am in. I’ve been looking for something different and have looked at crossfit a little. I do go to the gym 5 days a week first thing in the morning, but I’m bored with my old routine. I am trying to lose weight. It’s proving difficult. I’ve been off grain for 3 months now and didn’t lose any weight. I did the whole 30 and lost 3 lbs. for the month. I am a homeschooling mom of 4. Thank you for the challenges, the recipes, and such. I really enjoy your site.
radlandon says
Great! Good luck. Btw, have you ever looked into your Thyroid levels? I know that hypothyroidism can contribute to weight plateaus/weight gain. Just throwing it out there in case…
Jo Tichkowsky says
hey there…What an awesome idea! I’m in-I’m in-I’m in. Sunday’s are currently my rest days….so this crossfit works out really well.
Thanks heaps too …challenges are always motivational…
Cheers Jo.
radlandon says
Yay! Good luck!
Samantha says
I’m in! I just started running (as in: I just started running this weekend) and I love it, but I know I need more strength work than my 2 or 3 times a week kettle bell workout. This sounds like a perfect addition!
radlandon says
Yay! Thanks for joining in!!
Terry says
radlandon says
Heather says
Lets do it!!
radlandon says
Woo hoo!
Susan says
Let’s do it!!! Exactly what I was looking for! Sounds like the perfect complement to Johnny Bowden’s diet boot camp that I just started yesterday. (in a nutshell: no dairy, no grains or starches, no sugars/sweeteners).
radlandon says
Yay! So glad you’re in!!
Jill says
YES! This is what I have been looking for to balance out marathon training.
Mommaofmany says
I am IN! I don’t New Year’s Resolutions, but a February resolution may be just the thing I need.
radlandon says
Sounds like a great idea!
Jodi says
thanks shanti! i’m in!
radlandon says
Woot! Go Jodi!
Teresa says
In, in, IN! I turn 30 in February and feel like I got to step up taking care of myself. This will help discipline me. Thanks so much for sharing.
radlandon says
Yay! Great way to celebrate 30!
pam says
What.if.ucan’t run?
radlandon says
No problem. If you can’t run, either do a brisk 1/2 mile walk, or jump rope for 5 minutes, do some jumping jacks…anything to get your heart pumping. On Saturdays, you can pick something that you enjoy like swimming, biking, hiking, etc.
Lori Y says
Ok, I’m in, I may modify the running to something else. Sounds like FUN!
radlandon says
Great! Let me know what you decide to do instead of running–I’d like to do a post on alternate ideas.
Lori Y says
I will spin or brisk walk. If I can find non icy areas outside I will run
Laura Richardson says
Okay..I’m in…I’m doing lots of traveling this month, so this should be interesting…
radlandon says
Woo hoo! Oh, you know…you can do a squat anywhere. =) Public restrooms…
Shari Thacker says
Count me in!! This is perfect for me, too. I have a two year old at home and have been looking to get in better shape, and this I can work in at naptime. And it’s wallet-friendly, too!! lol
radlandon says
Mary says
I am in. I also have 5 children and I homeschool. I have been looking for something I can do from home. I can do this.
radlandon says
Yay! Hope you enjoy it!
Kelli says
Love it! I crossfit at a gym…just completed the workout for today..def got my heart rate up..looks like two a days for me
Holly says
I’m in! Thanks!
radlandon says
Tiffany says
Im in!!!! I have 5 kids and homeschool also so I have no time to go to the gym. This is perfect for me:)
KD says
I’m in too (without the running, other than maybe some short sprints, and keeping yoga one or two days a week)
This will be great to mix things up! Instead of running, I will get a nice brisk walk with some very short sprints mixed in.
Christy says
This is great! I’m going to try to do it, although I don’t like to go running here. But I do aerobics and Zumba, so I’ll just figure those can take the place of the runs. =)
Lorri says
Okay – I am WAY too out of shape to do your exact workout so I have tailored it to myself. I’ve got more than 50 pounds to lose (a lot more), I’m 44 years old and I’m starting from couch potato status.
Here’s what I did today:
5 push-ups, 5 sit-ups, 5 air squats (5 rounds)
10 push-ups, 10 sit-ups, 10 air squats (1 round)
Hope that’s a good start!
radlandon says
Awesome job, Lorri! That sounds perfect!
Lisa says
Great Job,Lorri! Keep it up :O)
Tina says
I’m in! I am just gonna have to modify a little until my Bronchitis clears up.
Lisa says
I’m in too :O)
amber says
I do not run any replacement suggestions?
radlandon says
You could jump rope, jumping jacks, do a brisk walk, swim, bike, hike, play a game of tag, anything that will get your heart rate pumping!
Jo Tichkowsky says
Hi THere…so-do we just repeat the first weeks cycle of exercises for the rest of the month?
radlandon says
No, I’ll be posting the next week’s workouts tomorrow!
Amanda Niverson says
I wish I would have seen this when you originally posted it, but since I didn’t I think I am going to give it a try on my own…
radlandon says
Amanda, there is a tab at the top with all the workouts on one page–see if you can get a friend to do it with you! It helps to have someone to keep you accountable. Let me know if I can help in any way!
Lori says
I’m in! I was just thinking about the one we did in February and was going to look at what it was. This is great timing!
J. Adams says
I stumbled across as old post for the 30-day Crossfit Challenges. You mention an iPhone app to track the progress. Will you share the name of the app?
Thank you,
J. Adams
radlandon says
It’s called “WOD Workout Tracker”!