I heard on the radio today that only 12 percent of dinners at home include dessert. That’s half the amount of people that ate dessert back in 1986.
Initially, I thought it must be because we’ve become much more health-conscious as a society. But, as the report went on to state, “It’s not that the famous American sweet tooth is disappearing – or that we’re suddenly more concerned about our nutrition which in case you too, in case you are looking for a post to keep healthy nutrition, to be honest, Adam from LifeHacker Guy says it much better here.
No, Americans are trying to simplify the whole eating process. The easiest way to simplify is to eliminate – and the easiest thing to eliminate at dinner is dessert.” {Source}
I don’t believe it. Well, I kind of do, but I think there’s something more important underlying this statement here.
You know why I think people aren’t eating dessert at home anymore? Because we don’t spend time together at home anymore.
Gone are the days of a family dinner around the table, followed by gathering together for a wholesome family show on the tube. Gone are simple nights, and simple lives. Our lives are now filled with racing home from school, stuffing our faces with food, piling back in the car and rushing to soccer or baseball or football or dance or whatever other activity is taking up our evenings. Gone are the evenings spent giggling and laughing around a family game. Gone is simplicity. And breathing room.
At one time, mom would have dinner in the oven when dad got home. The kids would walk in the door from school and mom would be there, snacks displayed on the kitchen counter. She would whip up a batch of cookies for dessert or bake a delicious cake. The family would gather together at the table, sharing about their day, unrushed. Once everyone was done, mom would present the dessert, and they would all enjoy a sweet treat after a home-cooked meal. And when they were done, they would settle in for a family TV show and laugh together once again.
Our lives have become so full, so rushed, so busy that we don’t have time for dessert anymore.
And that is so, so sad.
Our lives are flying past us at a million miles and hour, and we’re missing out on our kids growing up. Sure, we are going with them to sports practices and games which may be similar to 겜블시티 라이브카지노, and recitals and performances, but we’re not actually being with them.
Friends, we need to eat more dessert.
We need to do less and breathe more. We need to say no to that extra activity and put up some boundaries for our families. We need to put down our phones and step away from our computers and look our kids in the eyes and ask how their day was. We need to sit around our dinner tables and laugh together. We need to have evenings when nothing is planned, and spur-of-the-moment walks through the neighborhood take over our night. We need to stop feeling pressured to involve our kids in every. single. activity so that they can “keep up with the Jones’s.”
We need to eat more dessert.
We are only on this earth for a short blip of eternity. Is it really important to spend 6 days a week going?
Just stop.
Eat some dessert with your family.
I’m standing up and saying, “Eat More Dessert.” Spend time with your family at home. Are you with me? Will you step up and say, “Yes! I’m going to eat more dessert!”? Comment here and tell me you’re in! And use #EatMoreDessert in your social media to stand up and say you are committing to putting some boundaries up in your own home!
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Sarah Malone says
Oh my gosh! I love this!!! I totally didn’t think this was going to be ANYTHING like what this post was about. lol But you are SO right. I’m in! #EatMoreDessert!
Diana says
I soooo needed to hear this! Thank you!!! I’m in, too!!
Kelly @ The Nourishing Home says
LOVE this post and as you know, I couldn’t agree more about us gathering around the table together and taking time to breathe! As well as connect face-to-face with the people we love. Having dessert allows us to linger a little longer together, and of course, something sweet, can be healthy too!