OK, don’t blush. Today we’re talking about poop. Sure, it’s associated with junior high jokes, but it’s a fact of life. Everybody poops. For real. THIS book says so.
Did you know that 3/4 of your poop is water? The longer it sits in your large intestines, the more water is removed, and the harder it gets to pass. Constipation. Drink your fluids, people. The rest of your poop is made up of bacteria and indigestible material.
Colors of Poop
Poop can be a variety of colors. The reason it’s typically brown is due to the bile from your gall bladder being metabolized by the bacteria in your intestines. Yellow poop? Not usually a great sign. Yellow poop means your feces are passing through your intestines quickly, and is often a symptom of GERD (gastroesophageal reflux disease). Symptoms of GERD include heartburn, chest pain, sore throat, chronic cough, and wheezing. Symptoms are usually worse when lying down or bending. Foods that can worsen GERD symptoms include peppermint, fatty foods, alcohol, coffee, and chocolate.
If the onset is sudden, yellow stool can also be a sign of a bacterial infection in the intestines.
Green poop? Well, it could be the Lucky Charms you ate this morning. Or the boat-load of dark green, leafy greens. Or it could be related to one of these causes.
Wanna hear something icky? In ancient Rome, a wet sponge on a stick was used to wipe. Sounds fine, right? Well, except for the fact that they would put that sponge into a salt water bucket afterwards for the next person to use. Ewww. I’ll take a roll of toilet paper, thank you. Browse through this site https://www.sosproducts.com/emergency-toilets-s/1896.htm if you’re looking for portable toilets.
Consistency of Poop
So just as the color of your stool can give you insight into your health, so can the consistency of it.
Stools that are hard and pebble-like can be a sign of poor liver and gallbladder function and or a lack of digestive enzymes. Both large and hard stools as well as diarrhea can lead to straining and possibly hemorrhoids.
Mucus in your stool often indicates there is inflammation of the intestines. It can occur with either constipation or diarrhea, and it’s usually whitish in color.
Want to know what your poop should look like? Check out the chart below:
Types 1-3 indicate constipation, with 4 and 5 being the “ideal stools”, especially the former, as they are easy to defecate while not containing any excess liquid, and 6 and 7 tending towards diarrhea.
So, there you have it. Poop’s important. And it leads to the age-old question: Which way do you put the toilet paper on? Over or under? Which way you do it could tell you a lot about yourself?
So, which way are you?
*For entertainment purposes only
Andrea says
When I owned my own business I put in my employee training manual that the toilet paper roll must be put on so that it rolls over not under. I’m much more chill now and not so uptight about things but I have still been known to change the roll to over…in bathrooms that aren’t my own…!!!
I know…crazy.
radlandon says
I totally understand. I have flipped the roll over to the CORRECT way of being rolled over, not under. =) It really bothers me the other way! lol
Tina says
Before going Paleo”ish” (That is my term for us right now since we are not totally there lol), my poop almost always looked like 1 or 2. Since the eating changes, it now usually looks like 4 or 5. Although, if I consume large amounts of spinach, broccoli, cauliflower etc. in a short span, it tends to look like 6. Now usually I would think telling the world this would be TMI but since you put in on the table….
As for the toilet paper, I never cared or even thought twice about it until I met my husband. I would just stick it on so sometimes it would be under and other times over. He would freak out if it were placed under and change it. Then he would bring me in to “educate” me. lol. Now I am overly aware and have even changed it at other people’s houses if not “right”.
fairpricerx says
You also have to take into account that the color and plumpness depends on the lifestyle)) as well, if you apply drugs, this can change.
Leslie says
This is cracking me up!!! You wouldn’t believe (or maybe you would) how often this subject is discussed in our family (um, my sibling and I)! Anyhow, thanks for sharing – very interesting… : ) And OVER!!!
Deanna says
Angela says
What does it mean when you poop looks like cauliflower and is white with a little brown in it?