It’s Monday! I woke up to rain this morning, and it was a wonderful sound. Although the weather has been incredible in our neck of the woods lately, we were desperately in need of some rain.
Being that it’s Monday, it’s time for one of my favorite new blog features: Prayer Warrior Monday! If you haven’t heard about it yet, you can read more about why I started it HERE. Basically, you share your prayer requests, and on Monday night, my kids and I pray for you.
Sometimes we may feel as though we really don’t need prayer. Maybe things are going great for you right now; maybe you are in a good place and really have nothing to complain about. Awesome! But even then, prayer for protection, focus, or continued commitment can be important. And your prayers don’t necessarily have to be “needs,” they could be praises! Maybe you saw God work in an area of your life; maybe you had a prayer answered. Even better!
Last Monday was an amazing time, seeing my kids’ hearts moved by the struggles of real people — you — and hearing them pray for you by name. I truly believe their prayers go straight to God’s ears and pray that you will see prayers answered in miraculous ways! Please let us know if and when you see prayers being answered, as my children would be greatly moved and encouraged knowing their prayers are effective!
Please know you are not just all lumped into one big prayer. Our kids prayed for each of you by name and issue. My oldest is writing down each person’s name and prayer request in his journal so he can continue to pray throughout the week and then {hopefully} cross them off when they are answered! You are unique, special and important to God, and thus important to us!
So, what is weighing on your heart today? What obstacle has fallen into your path? Who is coming to your mind to pray for right now? What do you need prayer for?
Amy Ayers says
Last week, I ask for the courage to start a new journey in my life….running. I’m just over a week into it, and I am feeling FANTASTIC!!! There have been some mornings that I wanted to stop, but I pushed myself to keep going. And it’s already paying off. I was able to run continuously for 1.5 miles this morning. I’ve never done that before. Thank you!!
For this week…..I am struggling financially. It always seems as if there is something coming up. Something else that has to dip into the purse strings that are already strained. I take the stress of it on myself so my husband doesn’t have to worry (too much) about it. Some days are good, but others are really taxing on me. I need a little help in finding solace in where I am with finances, and knowing that whatever happens is going to happen. It will work out in the end.
Thank you again for doing this. I love that your children are so excited and so involved in it as well.
Steffani says
I prayed for you and your husband.
Renee H says
Please pray for my daughter. She has court today for some drug charges. She need treatment not jail time, but she did the crime…must do the time. I pray that God will see fit to get her into treatment for her mental illness and drug addiction instead of jail. Thank you so much for doing this!!!!!
Steffani says
I prayed for you and your daughter Renee.
Steffani says
I could really use prayers for a situation my husband is dealing with at work. I hesitate to ask for a specific outcome, because God’s will is best. I’m asking that my husband and I will both exercise faith in His will and that our reactions to whatever the outcome will be pleasing to The Lord. I ask that you will pray for protection during this time as well. I know that nothing can thwart God’s plans (Job 42:2), but I’m afraid of our reactions if things don’t go as we hope. Thank you!
Katherine says
Thanks you for the prayers last week. My son Ryan made it through his college exams without having a panic attack and feels good about how he did on the exams.
Nikki Baillie says
My family and I just moved to Cambodia as missionaries. We have three kids under the age of 5. We have only been here for 3 months and are still going through some major adjustments. We would appreciate your prayers. Thanks!
Christine says
Hoping to get into the doctor sooner than May 17th. Having trouble getting SIBO and fructose test results back from hospital so I can get into a cancellation earlier. I am almost positive I have SIBO(have every symptom and had the worst flare up during and after the test for 4 days…wish I had know about it sooner), can’t eat much of anything, have had to wait months to have the tests(which were done 4/22 and 4/29 finally), and have spent the last year in misery trying to just exist. Thought it was just Candida, but that seems to be gone. Have regained 20 lbs and have severe bloating and fatigue. Also think the hormones are off but the doctor won’t run tests until after these other 2 tests are in and I see him. So prayer for test results to be faxed, get in to the the doctor sooner than the 17th, to figure out the hormone issue, and to figure out what to eat so I can function. GAPS/Paleo isn’t helping completely. Thanks! I appreciate the prayers and the understanding.
Kelly says
Please pray for my husband, Alan, and me as we both search for new jobs. We have been houseparents in boys ranches for the past 4 years and will be finished with that by mid July. We have medical issues in our family that require ongoing prescriptions, so need group insurance in order to keep them covered. Pray for God to give clear guidance to both of us and to open our minds to recognize the path He is preparing for us. Pray for insight to know how past experiences and skills can be transferred and applied to other types of work. Pray for emotional protection as we go through times that are very difficult. Thank you so much!
Jamie says
We are about to leave on a month long journey to Vancouver Childrens Hospital. My 8yr old son will be going through endless assessments to find out if he has high functioning Autism along with already diagnosed PTSD. we are asking for you to pray for safe travels and that this process be a good one for our little family of 3. That we can find the organic, Gluten free foods we are use to having and not get drawn into restaurants that dont support our healthy living. Thank You for your time and efforts.
Michelle says
Please pray for our youngest daughter, Isabel is 16months and holds her breath and then seizures when she gets upset or hurt. We would love for the Lord to heal her of this. Also, if you could pray for guidance for our family. Whether to homeschool or not. I ask the Lord to guide my husband Anthony and for me to be willing to submit to HIS will. Thank you and GOD bless your family!
Amber says
I’m a single mom with a soon to be 3 year old son. We are currently renting and a master bedroom in a friend’s home. We potentially have the opportunity to get our own home. Keep us in you prayers. It would be so wonderful to have our own kitchen to cook all the healthy foods we need
Amber says
things are going great so far! Thanks for the prayers
Emily A. says
I have taken on the huge task of being co-op Director of our family’s homeschool co-op. There are over 60 families in our co-op, which leads to over 60 different expectations for the co-op. We just need prayers for the Ministry Team to make decisions for the entire co-op that are loving, just, discerning and God-led. Thank you so much for doing this! Prayer changes everything.
Jennifer says
I wanted to tell you and your children how much I appreciated your prayers last week. My cervical cancer biopsy came back negative! I have to get re-checked in 3 months, but I am so relieved to know that I am cancer-free at this time. I also start a new job tomorrow. My husband is moving out this coming week, but I feel in my heart that it is the right thing to do at this time. We’ll see what the future holds for us. For now, though, I feel like your children’s prayers really did help, and they were truly answered this past week! Please let them know they made a difference in my life.
Cassie says
Thank you for this blessing. Please pray for my dear friend Dominic. After an emergency appendectomy two weeks ago his health as been declining. He is in serious pain and there continue to be issues that have doctors stumped but are preventing his body from recovering. Our Lord is the ultimate healer and I thank you so much for your prayers.