This giveaway is now closed, and the winner is: Shelly Suggs! Shelly, contact me within 48 hours to claim your prize! Send me your name and mailing address.
I would have never thought a book could be written about just one ingredient: the sweet potato. However, I was wrong.
In Sweet Potato Power, Ashley Tudor shows the often-overlooked benefits of the sweet potato. It’s broken down into four parts:
Part 1: Smart Carbs
Part 2: Stop Surviving, Start Thriving
Part 3: Your Body, Your Rules
Part 4: The Sweetness of the Sweet Potato
Part 1 is a history lesson on the sweet potato. The author writes about the way our ancestors were vs. the way we are now, and “good food processing technologies” vs. “bad food processing technologies.” She writes, “Today, much innovation in food processing focuses on manipulating carbohydrates because they are inexpensive, versatile and irresistible.” And, have you ever wondered what the difference is between a sweet potato and a yam? She answers that, too, as well as gives a bunch of cool sweet potato facts and benefits!
In Part 2, Ashley discusses how the body turns food into fuel, why certain foods leave you feeling fatigued, tips for teaching kids good eating behaviors, hormones, sugar, insulin…you name it. This section also has a chart showing anti-inflammatory, moderate inflammatory and egregious (outstandingly bad) inflammatory foods. A lot of this stuff could be confusing, but the author takes complex info and makes it easy to understand.
Part 3 provides a step-by-step guide to optimize your health. There are a bunch of great tidbits in this section. For instance, Ashley writes, “50 percent of heart attack patients have ‘normal’ numbers of both cholesterol and blood pressure. Normal is not the sole predictor of future health.” She provides simple ways to monitor your own health and gives many resources for doing so, including a big section on blood glucose monitoring and cholesterol.
I have to be honest, Part 4 was what I went straight to when I opened the book: recipes! Some of the recipes included are: Sweet Potato Linguine with Sage and Brown Butter Sauce, Southwestern Chili, Sweet Potato Frittata, Sweet Potato Vegetable Latkes, Chocolate Sweet Potato Truffles, Sweet Potato Cupcakes, and a plethora of other great sweet potato recipes!
What I thought:
Overall, I was pleasantly surprised with this book! I wasn’t sure how someone could fill up a couple hundred pages with info about the sweet potato, but she totally pulled it off. I learned quite a few new things about the sweet potato and was entertained in the process! Oh, and most of the recipes are simple and creative, big pluses in my book!
So, do you want to win your own copy of Sweet Potato Power? It’s simple! Do one (or all!) of the following:
1. Share my Facebook page
2. “Like” Sweet Potato Power on Facebook
3. Share this blog post
4. Leave a comment here or on my Facebook page telling me which one (or all!) of the above you did!
That’s it!
This contest will be open through Wednesday, August 8th at 8pm PST and ONE WINNER will be selected using and announced here on the blog, via Facebook and on Twitter. If you do not email me to claim your prize within 48 hours of the announcement, a new winner will be selected in your place.
Note: I received a free copy of this book in exchange for a product review. This exchange in no way influenced my review, these are my unbiased opinions!
Candice Kielion says
I (gladly) shared all of the above pages! And even liked some too.
and some pinteresting was done!
Christina Stricklin says
I love sweet potatoes but I only know 1 way of doing them. This would be awesome to get, so I shared this blog post and liked the sweet potato power on FB. Hopefully I win : )
natalie says
Done all 3 love your site and.daily post on fb.
Lori Bihler says
I shared your FaceBook page and liked Sweet Potato Power on FaceBook.
Jen says
Shared the blog post and “liked” Sweet Potato Power”. Great giveaway!
Kendra says
I’ve done 3 of 4 and will share the post on my blog, hopefully today! I started the whole 30 a couple of weeks ago, so new recipes and info would be awesome! You have a great blog!
Becky Carlson says
I did all 3, but put 1 and 3 together in the same post.
Andrea says
I liked the Sweet Potato Facebook page. Trying to get my family to like sweet potatoes. I’d love more info and recipies!
Trish says
Who knew there was more than one or two ways to cook/use a sweet potato? I shared your blog on FB and ‘Liked’ Sweet Potato Power’s FB page too.
Shelby says
I “liked” Sweet Potato Power on FB and happily shared your FB page! I have been very curious about this book and would love to read it!
Rebecka Mason says
I shared your blog and liked Super Sweet Potato Power on FB! We love Sweet potatoes in this house! Had them tonight with dinner! mmmm!
Deborah Addison says
I did one and two. Love your site.
Bonnie says
I like Sweet Potato Power on Facebook..
Kelly Schaefer says
I actually already follow both of you on FB. But, I did share your page, with this giveaway link, on my FB page. I love sweet potatoes and, in fact, generally always have some handy. I have 2 baked sweet potatoes peeled, cooked and cooled in the fridge right now! I would love to win this. Many thanks! Kelly
Kristin W. says
I liked Sweet Potato Power on FB!
Holly says
We love sweet potatoes!
lindsey says
I liked sweet potato power on face book.
christina says
Liked and shared! fingers and toes are crossed!
Kymber says
liked and shared!
Shelby Florio says
I liked the Sweet Potato Power page!
Petra says
Love your recipes! I’ve liked Sweet Potato Power on Facebook.
Tami Marietta says
Liked sweet potato power on FB
Marc says
I’m all kinds of liking Sweet Potato Power on Facebook!
Jamee says
I’ve done 1 & 2! Would love to have a copy of this book!
Larianna Janushan says
Did all three!!!
Pat says
Shared everything!
Lisa says
I really want this book but I’ve hit my quota for ‘food” books for a while. : ) I liked your facebook page and sweet potato’s page!
mary says
What an exciting book! I did all there, liked and shared.
shelly suggs says
Shared & liked… I am turning 50 in 3 short weeks, but feel 80 (lots of aches & pains)… Trying to get my health/life back by changing what/how I eat, definitely need advice/assistant. This book would be a great place to start!
Mike F says
Great facebook page and wonderful giveaway! Thanks. I’ve liked on facebook.
Louise Ochart says
I like shared this post and liked sweet potatoes power on FB. I could not figure out how to share your FB page but I liked it so it will show up on my timeline. We just planted sweet potatoes this year so this book would come in very handy hope I win.
Carolsue says
I like Sweet Potato Power on Facebook (Carolsue Anderson)
Digicats {at} Sbcglobal {dot} Net
Carolsue says
I shared this on Facebook (Carolsue Anderson) — I’m not sure how to “share it.”
Digicats {at} Sbcglobal {dot} Net
Holly says
I shared your blog!
Holly says
I “liked” your FB page
Holly says
I shared and Liked your sweet potato power page!!
Ruth says
I love your recipes! The chocolate zucchini muffins disappear every time I make them! I shared the book blog post, liked Sweet potato power, but couldn’t figure out how to share your blog.
Thanks for this opportunity!
Jennifer says
I shared your Facebook page.
Jennifer says
I liked Sweet Potato Power on Facebook.
Jennifer says
I shared this blogpost.
Mel says
Just posting here! Thanks for the giveaway opportunity!