I wanted to come up with a snack that I could grab that was high-fat, high-protein and would give me a kick in the pants (energy-wise). These did the trick! As far as I know, these are Whole30 compliant, but I suppose if you were using them to satisfy some craving, they wouldn’t be. Please note: these are not a sweet treat. They are delicious, but functional, especially for after a workout!
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- Blend all ingredients in a food processor until smooth, then scoop onto parchment paper and refrigerate for 30 minutes. Pop one in your mouth for a great protein snack! Store in fridge for best results.
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ame says
Brilliant!!! Sharing with 3 people!
And whipping up a bunch! lol
radlandon says
Great! Hope you like them!
Deanna says
Not understanding where the protein is? Do sunflower seeds have protein? Thanks!
radlandon says
Almond butter has a lot of protein. Here’s a link: http://www.livestrong.com/article/447852-how-much-protein-is-in-almond-butter/, and another: http://www.livestrong.com/article/261220-protein-in-sunflower-seeds/
Deanna says
Thx…I didn’t know that. Good to know.
Bernadette says
Should the coconut cream concentrate be melted or solid? Thanks.
radlandon says
Hi, Bernadette. It should be melted. Thanks–I fixed it in the recipe.
Joelle says
Do you think you could use Dates instead? I don’t have any raisins . . . Are they mostly for the sweetener? Or do they serve any other purpose?
radlandon says
Dates should work!
Megan says
My box of coconut cream says to mix it with warm water. Is that the “melting” portion of your recipe or do I not want to add water to it?
Life Made Full says
No, I would not mix it with water. Just melt it on low in the microwave or stovetop. Hope that helps!
Christina says
Thanks for this recipe! Where can I find coconut cream concentrate? What stores and section?
How should I store these–in the fridge? How long will they last that way?
Also, do these freeze/thaw well? It’s just my husband and me, so I am thinking of making a large batch and freezing some.
Shanti Landon says
Hi, Christina! Here is the link for the coconut cream concentrate: https://secure.ttpurchase.com/3FB2D25A-1E0B-90B3-0E9897C4D0F11429
I stored these in the fridge–I haven’t tried freezing them? I would love to know how they do frozen and thawed, though, so if you try it, please come back and let me know how they turned out! Sorry I’m not more help!
Allison Miller says
Do you think freezing a portion of these (in making a large batch) would alter the texture or taste?
Shanti Landon says
Hmm. I’m really not sure? I have not tried freezing them! Please let me know if you try it, and if you do, how they turn out!
Rachel says
I’m allergic to coconut, what else could be used instead?