They were part of “The Greatest Generation.”
They lived through the Great Depression. They took personal responsibility for their choices. They were humble and modest and dignified. They were self-sacrificial and cared deeply for their country. They were probably also the hardest-working generation. They worked to survive, both personally and culturally. They took great pride in their work and didn’t see that job as a punishment, but as a privilege.
These are my grandparents. You may be blessed to know someone who was also a part of The Greatest Generation. We have much to learn from them…
We live in an age of blame, and our society lacks an abundance of great leaders because of it. We like to point our finger and deflect negative attention to others whenever possible. True leadership, however, starts with a deep sense of responsibility.
Nowadays, humility is often seen as weakness, and the more flamboyant and vocal one is, the better. Jobs are often seen as inconveniences, hard work as punishment.
I look at the faces of my grandparents and grieve the loss of their work ethic and humility. I think about how devastated they would be to see where our country is now; the rock-throwing, fire-starting, name-calling generation that has no clue what true sacrifice even means.
But at the same time, I am filled with hope as I see more and more people banding together to love one another. I see black hugging white. I see young listening to the words of the old. I see people cleaning up school campuses and buying backpacks for foster kids and saving children from sex trafficking. I hear the giggles of my own adopted children and see redemption. And most importantly, I see the hearts of millions and millions of Americans who are still GOOD: living well, loving well and teaching others of their goodness through their actions. This is hope. Let us hang onto it.
Danny Garza says
I agree…they are a part of the greatest generation. And it is sad to see that “some” of the current generation of millennials, have no scruples at all and don’t care what people think. And they’re bad about throwing the 1st punch whether they get in trouble or not.
My wife and I pray daily for our president and our country. It all seems like it’s crumbling around us. But then you have to just stop watching all the media rhetoric and occasionally flip the channel to something that calms you down. Like the home shopping channels. lol.
Thanks for your posts and I hope you’re still loving your job.