Welcome to Allergy Free Wednesdays (AFW), a weekly blog hop where all of you get to share your allergy-friendly recipes! From gluten-free desserts to vegan recipes and “Top 8 Allergen Free” recipes, we have something for everyone!
All of your recipes are shared on seven blogs each week!
Your weekly submissions are shared on 7 blogs. Each hostess will feature a favorite recipe(s) from the week before. Your hostesses are:
- Tessa @ Tessa the Domestic Diva
- Laura @ Gluten Free Pantry
- Nancy @ Real Food Allergy Free
- Amber @ The Tasty Alternative
- Janelle @ Gluten Freely Frugal
- Adrienne @ Whole New Mom
- and ME!
Want to submit a recipe? We’re not food-nazis, but we do expect you to be allergy-friendly. For the complete rules, click HERE.
A few things to remember when linking up:
- Recipes/articles do not have to be completely allergy-free, just allergy-free in some way. It would be helpful if you could note what your recipe is free of in the title. For example: GF = Gluten-Free; DF = Dairy-Free; SF = Refined Sugar-Free; V = Vegan.
Please provide the URL link directly to your post (not your homepage).
Please provide a link back to our weekly blog hop somewhere in your post.
In order for your recipe to be featured, your post must contain a back link to our blog hop.
- Only 2 entries per blog please.
- All of the hostesses have now created an Allergy-Free Wednesday board on Pinterest, so if your recipe is featured on AFW, it will also be pinned on Pinterest! You can follow my AFW board here.
Here are my favorites from last time!
Top 20 Crockpot Meals from Zandria.us
Easy Morning Detox Drink from Simple Life Mom
Vanilla Extract Substitute from Whole New Mom
Reader Favorite
Gluten Free Vegan Chocolate Texas Sheet Cake from Gluten Free Vegan Love
Like what you read? Sign up here and get my Top 10 Recipes ebook for free!
Audrey @ Gluten-Free Vegan Love says
Yay — so excited my chocolate cake got some lovin’
Thanks for the party & Happy New Year!