I’m doing something different.
Every year since as far back as I can remember, I’ve made New Year’s goals. My method has changed over the years, but I would usually do one physical, one spiritual, one emotional, and one relational. Last year I did “19 for 19.”
This is the first year that I haven’t had a list done before January 1st. Nothing was flowing like it usually does.
After much reflecting over the past few months, I’ve decided to do something different.
I realized I don’t want my 2020 to be a year of “hindsight,” but more about “foresight.” I don’t want to look back and think I could have done it better. So this is my plan for 2020:
I am going to do my best to seize every opportunity in front of me, while still saying no to the things I don’t need.
I am going to do my best to have clear vision (see what I did there??
) and move toward that vision, whether it’s little baby steps or huge leaps and bounds.

My goals?
* Get to the end of 2020 with no regrets
* Live my best life
* Make lemonade out of lemons when the opportunity arises
* Treat others with respect and kindness always
* Experience life with my kids and hubby
* Take on challenges like opportunities, not setbacks
That’s pretty much it. Here’s to an amazing 2020. Wishing you all a year filled with joy, laughter, peace, freedom, and perfect clarity and vision!
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