Hey there! I’m Brenda, a certified Nutritional Therapy Practitioner. Are you thinking about learning more about holistic nutrition? Awesome! That’s why I’m here!
What is Holistic Nutrition?
The word holistic means “relating to or concerned with complete systems rather than with individual parts” according to the Merriam-Webster dictionary. When practicing holistic nutrition you do just that; take into account the whole person and his or her lifestyle. We don’t just look at what you are eating. We also want to know, are you getting enough sleep? Are you under a lot of stress? Are you burdened with toxins? Do you have a genetic predisposition? But also, yes, how do you prepare your foods? Where are your foods coming from? etc. Most holistic nutritionists provide individualized nutritional therapy. We commit to the concept of bio-individuality; everyone is unique, we can’t treat everyone the same.
Major Lifestyle Changes!
There are many different reasons you may be led into a holistic nutrition lifestyle. Some choose to follow it because of health issues. Others do it after they get disgusted from reading truths about our food industry and want to take preventative measures. Whatever your initial reason is, all of us that have transitioned to properly prepared whole foods know that it is exactly that, a transition. Many people are able to learn the basics of a properly prepared whole foods diet without the help of a Holistic Nutritionist. There are so many wonderful blogs out there now, it’s incredible! However, help may be needed especially for things like elimination diets for food intolerances, blood sugar support, detoxification, fermentation methods, digestive issues, skin issues like eczema, and so on.
The standard American diet (SAD) is comprised of packaged, ready to eat, processed foods. Unfortunately these foods are extremely convenient and are sold everywhere. They’re easy. I get it, it is hard to all of a sudden switch over to cooking all your meals from scratch and scavenging for good quality ingredients. Let me tell you, it gets easier. Just like most things, you develop a routine and figure out your new stomping grounds for food. Also, weekend batch cooking is a must along with having your freezer packed with ready to warm frozen dishes. My crockpot has become one of my best friends!
We are proud of being holistic minded foodies!
My partner Levi and I are proud of being health minded eaters and want to teach others how to do it themselves. Levi is a permaculturist (quickest way to describe it is a holistic farmer). We are joining my love for holistic nutrition and his love for permaculture on our farm Realeyes Homestead. We thought the name was fitting after we opened our eyes and realized the truths hidden from us by the pharmaceutical industry, industrialized farming, and many conventional medical organizations.
On our farm we are learning how to produce nourishing food while simultaneously healing the ecosystem and educating others to do the same! The goal is for Realeyes Homestead is to be a realization and eye opener; a model and demonstration site for the community. We will host workshops on various nutrition and permaculture topics on the farm. We can have all the brilliant theories in the world, but it doesn’t compare to a living, thriving model that visitors can physically walk through, smell and touch.
As we build our farm we will be sharing our experiences and resources on our website and hope to be a source of information and inspiration.
We also plan to eventually have online workshops or digital learning solutions, on holistic nutrition and permaculture. We don’t pretend to be know it alls; we THRIVE on feedback. And whether you live in Michigan or Bermuda we have much to offer you so stay tuned!
Levi and I are currently running an Indiegogo campaign to raise seed money to kickstart our projects. If you support the local, natural foods movement or would benefit from our blog posts please support our cause.
If you would like to learn more about Realeyes Homestead feel free to visit our site and Facebook page.
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