It’s Prayer Warrior Monday time! If you’re not familiar with this, each week on Monday, I ask for your prayer requests. You share them here, and on Tuesday morning, my kids and I pray specifically for you by name, coming before the Lord and intervening on your behalf.
If you have something you’d like to share, please do so. Have something you’re thankful for? You can share that here, too!
For more info on Prayer Warrior Monday, check out THIS link.
Jodi says
My husband is traveling for work this week and my oldest (7) had a really hard time with him leaving this morning. Lots of tears, didn’t want to go to school, etc. He’s had to travel twice this month which is really unusual, it’s normally once a quarter so I know that is part of it and he is daddy’s boy
Please pray the remainder of the week would go much more smoothly!
sarah says
I asked for prayer a while back about a possible foster adopt off a little girl. She had gone back and forth between her mom and me. She it’s baby #9, so it is a matter of time until mom loses her. I am asking for prayer for her mom. She used meth for 10 years and is very fried. She doesn’t understand and even though she it’s trying her best, it isn’t enough to raise a baby. Will you please pray for the moms heart and that she would find Jesus? Thanks.