Being that I’m out gallivanting around Israel, Mandy over at the Paleo Running Mom was kind enough to do a guest post for me! Thank you, Mandy! Head on over and like her page when you’re done reading!
Schools almost OUT FOR SUMMER! No, really, it almost is! If you have little ones in school, or not so little ones, you can bet they are counting down the days..I know that I am.
I am not one of those Mom’s who can’t wait to see them leave on the big yellow bus at the end of August..or is it the middle? Sometimes it seems to get closer and closer and shortens their Summer. Honestly, my stomach is sick when late August rolls around!
I am super excited to spend some much needed time with the three of my boys, but my kindergartner brought something home the other day that scared the living daylights out of me! It was this…
In case you can’t tell what this is, it’s a video game controller, a PS3 controller to be exact. When I held this up and asked him what it was he said, “a game controller Mommy! I couldn’t draw the X BOX one, it was too hard, so I made the PS3 one!”
I asked why he drew this, and he said that he was drawing what he as going to be doing for the summer..He said no school days mean all video day games like 벳무브먹튀….This sent me into a panic mode! STOP the presses! MY KIDS WANT TO SPEND THEIR SUMMER INDOORS? Really..Great.
THIS IS NOT WHAT I HAD PLANNED–This Summer- that I have so longed for (it was super hard sending my third, (and last) baby to school this year). I have counted down the days until I can let him sleep past 7- and cuddle in the morning with him again. My older two are not morning people (wonder where they get that from) and I am longing for mornings that they get enough sleep, and are more enjoyable I was thinking more along the lines of this…
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ha ha.. I’s corny..but. |
So at this moment I had a sinking feeling on my stomach that our no video games during the school week (yes- we stick to that) was going to allow them, (or lead them to believe that they would be able to run hog wild on the games systems? Nope. Not a six year old was not going to look forward to just playing video games all summer…this is all I could picture..
Are we mean parents for not allowing the games and excessive TV during the week? Probably to some kids we are. From enforcing this rule, the older two are avid readers, and don’t stick their heads in the TV constantly, like some kids. They aren’t allowed to playing fighting games (and have no interest) but rather play building games and go on quests..all fine and good if it don’t want it take over their lives! I don’t care who thinks I’m mean! HEY! My brother knew one kid who was sucked in to a game and allowed to play it for years! No one saw him until he was in high school and he was super anti social!
I must find the rope and reel my kiddo in, and take action to plan some activities before it’s too late!
This MOM needs a plan! Quick! Before those doors burst open and the kids are free form school for three months…
Let’s make this summer memorable, and Fun..(trying to avoid the famous “I’m bored”)
Look, I am not saying no electronics, but I mean even it out, and having a good time enjoying nature & family!
We do that..and many Summers have been spent at local parks, and wading through creeks. We love the outdoors, but in the age of technology today I feel like less and less children run-get enough activity like we used to! When we let them loose in the playground, we check if the flooring needs Wetpour Maintenance to keep the play area secure and enjoyable for everyone.
I could could cringe when I think that our kids will never grow up like we did, using their imaginations and not always being entertained or having something to do! Technology has moved forward at an extreme rapid rate..and our childhood was so different than theirs! Our Summers–even if we THOUGHT they were boring–were not! Remember playing hide in go seek, and everyone putting their feet in to figure out who was ‘it’ ? When I chanted the ‘Bubble gum bubble gum’..chant my kids looked at me like I was an alien. I then tried the Engine, engine number nine chant, and they looked at me like I had two heads! For example.. We were in the car the other day, running some errands on a Saturday. Our destination wasn’t that far..and I couldn’t believe what was happening in the car! Everyone is on a phone, or game! My six year old starts crying that he doesn’t have anything to do a he’s bored. BORED. I hate that word! AHHH! HOW on Earth did I let it come to this? I told them to all put away their phones/games..AND SHUT THEM OFF!! This is ridiculous-always needing a device! Nope. Not needed, and not happening anymore in our family! I had whining, and crying for about ten minutes and then it was done. I explained to them that we didn’t need electronics 24-7 and things were going to change! We made a list together of what we would do this middle son jotted it down..
Something tells me they will thank me someday…Here are some great ideas that we came up for Summer!
We did this the past three summers! I am now kid back pack free..I used to haul them around on my back, we have handed down the same carrier for all of my Parent’s grandchildren! I love that they still like to do this! Pack a lunch, water bottles and head out! Make sure you bring a camera to snap any memorable shots! You never know what you will see!
Obstacle Course
Okay- the other day while on a run I was cruising down a hill, what fun I thought to myself! It reminded me of the summers growing up when we had to find things to entertain us. My sister used to make us obstacle courses up! We would have to run through tires, race to a point, pump on the swing a certain number of times, and follow directions until we got to the was a race, we would even time one another! Fun!
Treasure Hunt
Almost the same thing, but we would hide items and make a map..others would have to find the treasure. This can be really a lot of fun!
Go Fishing
Seriously! Take your kids fishing, and have fun with it!
Bike Ride
This can be so much fun! If you don’t have a carrier to pull your little one, start looking at yard can be fun, and a true adventure! Ask around and find local bike trails!
We have picnics all of the time! We take our dinner and lunch outside too! We have a favorite place on a rock near our home where we bring a lunch, and just chill!
Read a Book Together!
I’m serous! this can be fun, and also gives you time together and opens their minds to new worlds I love reading to my kids. We are reading The Terrible Wave right now.. It’s a story based on the Johnston Flood.
We go to the high school track and run! My one son doesn’t get into this, so he brings a book, and reads or a bag of legos. We race and run around the track..
Plan a Party!
Plan a Summer party for your children and their friends! Have your kids help, and make a menu plan..don’t think that you can’t keep this Paleo! You can! Cut up fruit, chicken kabobs, and even fruit kabobs are a hit! We have a hug blow up jumpy thing that connects to the hose, we have no pool- but the kids have a blast with it! Have them make up games and use a scavenger hunt, and obstacle course too! Can we say water balloons!!
NO Electronic Day
Seriously just have a day that there is a no TV rule~it is wonderful..makes them enjoy the TV when it is available! Great of you pair this up with a day you are reading together or doing something active!
AHHH!! there are so many things to do..I feel better writing this all down. Really, not very worried anymore. MY kiddos will have a fine active summer, and we will have many memories to treasure!
I know that we must be doing something right..this is another drawing our little guy slipped into my grocery tablet this week…
‘Family..I love my family’.. gotta love that! We must be doing something right! I want my boys to appreciate what they have, and know how to entertain themselves too.
Kiddos launch out of school mid next week-and I am crossing off each school night…seriously, we have this chalkboard in our kitchen and I really am:)
Hope that you can find even more healthy, active things to do for this summer too! Have a great-healthy-safe and fun Summer!
And finally, a little about me..Paleo Running Mom~
I’m a busy Mom of a crew of boys, and a wonderful Husband of 16+ years. I’m always rushing to get things done- so I figured I would actually RUN! We began our Paleo journey as a family in the Fall of 2011. We find that we are all so much healthier and happier on a grain free diet. I love to combine paleo-clean healthy eating + fitness and running! We always try to stay active! Follow me on my facebook page, Paleo Running Mom (
Mandy says
Great, great post! I’m always trying to challenge myself and my five year old girl to find other ways to play and have fun instead of turning on the television. Yesterday it rained all day here in Pensacola, Florida and I’m proud to say we did NOT turn on the tube. She did have computer time in the afternoon but all morning was spent having a picnic, playing board games, coloring and more!
I’m going to check out your site and read more about your family. I am always looking for new recipes and ways to make more time for family and not spend any more minutes in the kitchen. I’m in there enough cooking for two girls and a husband! Nice post. I will see you soon, virtually that is.
Kristen says
Awesome post! So glad that other moms are fighting the electronic addiction! Last year, on the last day of school I presented my children (then 5 and 7) with an empty “summer bucket list” and explained that we were going to write down all of the things we wanted to do before the end of summer. I was really nervous about what they might suggest, since they too love all types of digital entertainment. But, I have to say I was pleasantly surprised. They wrote things like “have a watermelon seed spitting contest” and “wash the car” and “sleep in a tent.” We had almost as much fun deciding what to put on the list as we did accomplishing each item and crossing it off. We got adventurous and tried things like “visiting a new playground” and “going tubing in a river.” We even added in some educational things like “visit a museum” and “read Harry Potter.” We are now just a couple of days away from this year’s last day of school and the kids are already asking where our new “Bucket List” is! I will share some of your ideas with my family as we complete our 2013 list. Enjoy making wonderful summer memories! I hope that others follow your example and spend the summer together…unplugged!
Paleo Running Mom says
THANK YOU Ladies!! I love that I am not alone in this! Just because school is out doesn’t mean that we need to be sucked into the electronics..We are making a jar this week to add ideas to and pull them out on ‘I’m bored’ days! Our best Summers ever is RIGHT around the corner!
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