Do you love kale chips? I do! A few months back, I tried a brand of “cheesy” (no actual cheese on them) kale chips called “Alive & Radiant Foods,” and they were absolutely delicious. So I e-mailed the company, asked if they would be interested in sending me a few samples to review, and a few weeks later, this is what showed up at my door! The company was more than generous in what they sent!
Not only kale chips, but all sorts of other products I didn’t even know existed! I got right to work tasting away. I recruited my little helpers to taste test, too. And that afternoon I had a friend over who gave me an “outsider’s opinion.”
I started with all the kale chips: Southwest Ranch, Quite Cheezy, Cheezy Chipotle, Tarragon Dijon, and Chockalet Chip. I have to admit, I had kind of a mental block to eating chocolate kale chips. Oh, and these Spirulina Orange Creamsicle kale chips kind of scared me. Here was my conclusion: The “standard” flavors, like the southwest ranch, tarragon dijon and “cheezy” ones were great. Delicious, in fact. I just couldn’t get past the kale taste to thoroughly enjoy the chocolate and creamsicle ones. Intriguing, yes. But they just weren’t my thing. However, if you have no mental block to these sorts of flavor combinations, you may just be a fan! My absolute favorite were the “Quite Cheezy” ones…I ate pretty much the whole bag in one sitting! The Cheezy Chipotle were a delightful mix of smoky spice and cheese flavors. Yum!
And now on to the other products. Alive and Radiant Foods has an assortment of “cookies” that are made from predominantly cashews, with honey as a sweetener. I was especially interested in trying the Chai Raweo Cookies, and they were part of the inspiration for my Chai ice-cream. Here was the consensus:
Chai Raweo Cookies: The kids loved ’em. My friend and I thought…meh.
Oh So Fudge Raweo Cookies: The kids loved ’em. My friend and I thought…not the best.
Original Raweo Cookies: Again, kids loved ’em. My friend and I thought…not the best.
Luscious Lemon Swirl Cookies: Kids thought they were “ok.” My friend and I thought…these are actually pretty good!
Thumbalina Cookie: Not a big hit with anyone.
Overall, almost all the kale chips were a big whopping success with kids and adults; the cookies were more of a hit with the kids. One thing I do love about these products, however, especially the cookies, is that they are organic, raw, vegan, grain-free and could definitely satisfy a craving in a pickle.
So, do you want to win one of the products listed above? You might be in luck! Alive & Radiant Foods is giving away one free product of choice to one of my readers! You can enter a number of ways by clicking the Rafflecopter link below:
Note: I received free products in exchange for this review. The expressed opinions are purely my own, and I was in no way influenced by Alive & Radiant Foods in my opinions.
Christi Colvin says
I’d pick Southwest Ranch Kale Chips!!
Amy says
I’d like to try the Southwest Ranch
Rebecca Brown says
Quite cheesy chips
Mandy Brunson says
Quite cheesy Kale chips
Maury says
I clicked on the rafflecopter link, and it asks me to sign up and then have my own giveaways, but I don’t, so I am confused by your rafflecopter link….I thought it would take me right to your giveaway…am I misunderstanding?
April says
The quite cheesy ones look pretty good!
Jennifer Beck says
I can’t wait to try some!
Jennifer Beck says
I would like the cheesy chipotle.
Monica King says
any of the kale chips!
Becki says
I would love to try the Southwest Ranch
Jean says
I think the Southwest Ranch sound delicious!!
sarah says
Would like to try the Southwest Ranch Kale Chips
Deanna says
Id like to try the Quite Cheesy Kale Chips.
Tasha says
Lemony cookies sound yummy!
Nicole says
I would choose the Tarragon Dijon kale chips
Amy Oliver says
Raweo sound interesting!
Stephanie says
The oh so fudge cookies sound awesome!
Carolsue says
I would choose Raisin Cinnamon Sprouted Buckwheat Granola
Suzanne H says
Either the Original Raweo Cookies or Chockalet Chip Kale Krunch.
Krista Hanna says
I would pick the cheesy kale chips!
Anthony says
I would love to try those Kale chips!
Mike finsel says
Southwest ranch would be awesome!
diane says
Southwest ranch
Susan M. says
I would like to win any of the Kale Chips, but the Tarragon Dijon would probably be my first pick. What is the “cheeze” made from? Soy?
Jen says
I’d try the Quite Cheezy Kale Chips.