Now that I officially have green fingers (ok, so I don’t have green fingers…but I’m at least trying to get a green thumb), I’m thinking about the pest control detroit. It would be a shame to lose my wonderful fruits and veggies to little bugs for which you can also hire experts like A1 Bed Bug Exterminator Honolulu.
However, I despise conventional poisons, and refuse to use use them on my food, if at all possible. So I came up with this great, effective homemade natural pesticide! If you’re dealing with invasive plants, hire expert invasive plant control for a safe and eco-friendly solution.
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So, I made a batch of homemade natural garlic pesticide. Did you know that garlic insecticides are good for pests such as ants, aphids, apple maggots, caterpillars, chinch bugs, codling moths, cutworms, earwigs, sowbugs, flies, grasshoppers, grubs, Japanese Beetles, leafhoppers, leafminers, loopers, mealybugs, mite, pysillids, scale, slug, snails, thrips, and whiteflies? Sounds good to me!
I used this on my last garden, and had NO pests. Seriously. But if you are having problems with pests like mice, then you might want to consider hiring a team of rat and mice control experts who can provide professional rat control and mice pest control services. And if you have issues with surface water along your property, consider french drain installation Wheaton.
Recipe: Homemade Natural Garlic Pesticide
12 cloves garlic
1.5 cups water + 1 gallon water
Blend together the 12 cloves garlic and 1.5 cups water. Strain out the garlic pulp.

Pour the strained garlic water into a large container (large enough for at least a gallon). Add 4 quarts (1 gallon) of water. Shake to combine. Pour some into a spray bottle and spray your plants once a week to help ward off pests! If the pests are persistent, and you need pest control services, hire experts like this pest control in Charlotte, NC.
Store in a cool place for up to one month to ensure potency levels stay intact. For more gardening tips, visit
Linda says
wow – will def have to try this….thanks for sharing
Tina B says
Does this need to be kept in refrigerator?
radlandon says
No, it doesn’t need to be kept in the refrigerator, just stored in a cool place, but you will probably want to use it within a month to make sure the potency level is high enough.
Cheryl says
I haven’t tried this recipe yet. We discovered companion gardening years ago and since planting borage flower next to our tomato plants have not had tomato worms (horn worms) for over 15 years.
Mommaofmany says
That’s a good tip, Cheryl, but I *like* tomato hornworms! They are bonus little protein balls for my chickens.
I’ll share your tip with chicken-less friends.
Cheryl says
I know what you mean. We used to feed them to our dogs when we were still getting them. In fact, one dog would go hunting on her own. She’d come in the house with a green face from poking around in the tomatoe plants.
Debbie says
Along the lines of companion planting, I’m wondering if the garlic will be off-putting to some other veggies that are not necessarily friends.
mike says
If you don’t have garlic cloves on hand can you use minced garlic?
Shanti Landon says
Ruby Martin says
Hello! Can this be used on all plants without leaving a garlic taste?
josefina gomez says
voy a hacer este remedio casero del ajo, por que mis plantas están plagadas del pulgón
Marie says
Hi is this the same as Mosquito Barrier? For mosquitoes in your yard?