Tonight we were at Target picking up a few things, and I needed a couple grocery items. I’ve never purchased meat before at Target, mostly because it just feels weird buying fresh meat from a store that sells clothes. But, I was in a pinch, and I needed steak.
I grabbed a sirloin steak package and was about to put it in the cart, when curiosity got the best of me and I flipped the package over to read the ingredients. Of course, I expected to see nothing other than “beef” on the ingredient list.
Boy, was I wrong.
This is what I saw:
Do you see that? It doesn’t just say “beef.”
There’s a solution that the beef has been in that includes:
Beef broth
Potassium lactate
Sodium Phosphate
Sodium Diacetate
Do you see that? Flavoring?! Why the heck is flavoring added to my meat?!
And we wonder why our country has so many health issues. If they’re adding flavoring to raw meat, what else are they doing to our food??
Sorry, friends, but this just irks me. We have no idea whether these “flavorings” are “natural,” or not. We don’t have any clue what these flavorings are?
I want to know what flavorings, exactly, they are adding to meat. And why are they adding them??
I know I’m going to get some comments saying, “That’s why I only buy local, grass-fed meats.” Well, that’s fine and dandy if you have the money to do so, but unfortunately, a large portion of our population cannot afford to do this and may not even have access or the ability to even think about getting grass-fed meat (think Compton…Harlem…or even just middle America).
We need to take a stand, people. We need to stand up and say, “STOP ADDING CRAP TO OUR FOOD!!” Normal people should be able to go to the store and safely buy food products without having to worry about what’s in them.
Target, I love you, but your name is on this label. Why are you selling fresh meat products that have “flavoring” in them??? I know you’re just one of many stores doing this, but your store is what I had experience with tonight.
I beg you to please, please respect us as consumers. Sell products that you are proud of. Don’t be a part of this ridiculous atrocity going on in our food supply.
Erin says
Walmart does it and the two main local grocery chains here do it with all their pork too. Its beyond frustrating. I have to shop for meat at 3 different stores in order to get reasonably priced unadulterated products anymore.
cindy b. says
wow, I would have never thought to look at ingredients on a package of raw meat. yuck.
Sarah McLain says
I totally agree with you! We personally buy local, grass-fed, but not everyone can do that… and there may be a time when We can’t even do that! Why are they adding this stuff to our food?! I can “flavor” my own meat if I want to thank you very much… Unfortunately, it’s highly likely that it’s NOT just your common seasonings they’re adding
…on the bright side (sort of)… at least they Have to label it, so we can make better decisions for ourselves. Thanks for reporting on this, very informative!
Sarah Malone says
Yikes! Thank you for letting us know–I would NEVER have thought to look at ingredients on meat! Sharing!
Amber says
That’s insane! What is going on in our world?!
Roland says
It’s disturbing! I just looked at the ingredients for a steak I purchased at Kroger and it has natural flavor added. What the hell? Isn’t the steak NATURAL all BY ITSELF? We are all being poisoned!
Mass says
I bought some steak since my local grocery was closed, i had to buy it from Target, and trust me the moment I looked at that I knew something was wrong, look at the color it was so red! not a natural beef color, anyways since i needed it to source my protein, brought it home and while i was cooking it started smelling bad and getting all watery, and never the less i had to throw it in the trash, and promised myself not to ever buy meat from Target!!!
Carlo says
Anything packaged to sell in a store has to have some type of a shelf life chemical in it. It’s not like you’re out in the woods shooting the deer and eating it that day….
If you catch a Atlantic King Salmon fillet it and eat it on the boat that’s the freshest you’ll get. If it’s going to go to market it’s going to have something in it. If not you would have more foodborne illnesses in people then what took the population of the world during COVID-19….