You’ve heard the hype. Maybe you’re even part of it. The “Elf on the Shelf” movement has completely taken over our country, and I refuse to be a part of it.
I don’t think so. Why would I spend our hard-earned money on a little elf-man doll when I can have a life-size elf-man for free?
Are you tired of being roped into these fads that overtake your home and make you a follower rather than a leader?
Well, it’s time to take a stand. It’s time for you to get…
Daddy on the Shelf!
With Daddy on the Shelf, you don’t have to worry about forgetting to move your elf each night–he moves himself!
You don’t have to feel like you are a mindless drone following the masses–you can create your own movement!
You don’t even have to spend any money–Daddy on the Shelf is FREE!
Daddy on the Shelf can do everything that Elf on the Shelf can do. Just look at how mischievous our Daddy on the Shelf is!
He draws on walls:
He even draws on kids’ faces while they’re sleeping:
He gets in trouble in the bathroom:
And he swings from the ceiling fan:
If you want your very own Daddy on the Shelf, you can have one today for free! If you have a Daddy in your home, you can use him, no strings attached. If you don’t have a Daddy in your home, just ask your friendly neighborhood Daddy. You’ll be surprised how many Daddys just want someone to need them!
Don’t fall into the Elf on the Shelf trap!
Debbie says
Hilarious and ingenious!
Cheri says
(evil snicker) This is pretty great.
MaryRose Nelson says
I’ll stick with the Elf on the Shelf
rayundo bolivar ( my wannabe name when i grow out of Nacho Libre) says
i AM NOT showing this to my kids as i just now got them to beleive that santa claus is really nacho libre with a fake white beard….now if i switch them to beleiving i am really an elf w a hairy back they’ll be back in therapy in no time….but thanks for the suggestion…we’ll borrow Chris if we get desperate….:)
Annette Tompkins says
Haaaa! Hilarious! Creative. To the point. Loved it!
Emily says
I’m also going to stick with Elf on the Shelf. Our family thinks its fun and we understand its not a replacement for the real meaning of Christmas. A win-win!
Merry Christmas!
Kelly @ A Girl Worth Saving says
Bwaaaa!!! This is awesome Shanti!!! Honestly, I do not have an elf on the shelf and probably will never buy one.
Holly (Your Gardening Friend) says
I’m not a fan of the elf on the shelf, but I do LOVE your take.