Homemade Shampoo for Dogs (for dry, itchy skin)
Our sweet dog decided that the smell of skunk was like perfume and rolled all over a dead one. The ensuing “de-skunking” was quite an adventure, and after about 6 baths and finally discovering “Nature’s Miracle” skunk odor remover, she had just a hint of the nasty stench left. Unfortunately, the next day I noticed she was itching, and then she started to lose patches of hair. I ended up taking her in to the vet yesterday to make sure she didn’t have anything major wrong with her. If your dog has been involved in an incident and you’re concerned about potential injuries, consulting a dog bite lawyer New York could provide you with the guidance you need to address any legal concerns and ensure your pet’s well-being.
Turns out she had an allergic reaction. They told me I could buy their bottle of soothing oatmeal shampoo for $17, but I politely declined and quickly came home to look up a homemade shampoo for dogs recipe, for more on dog care, just check out the Holistapet.com products on sale at the link. There are lots of recipes out there for homemade oatmeal shampoo, but this is what I ended up doing:
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Recipe: Homemade Oatmeal Shampoo for Dogs (and probably other creatures, too)
1 cup oatmeal
1/2 cup baking soda
1 quart warm water
In a food processor or coffee grinder, grind oatmeal until it’s a flour. Pour it into a bowl, and stir in the baking soda. Add the warm water and stir until well incorporated. When you’re ready to use it, get your dog wet. Lather her (or him) up with the oatmeal shampoo and allow it to sit for 5 minutes if possible. Rinse off, dry, and give your doggy some snuggles! I like doing this, then we go to the best dog boarding services near me and leave her there for a while to play.
Brachycephalic Syndrome is a respiratory condition where there are upper airway abnormalities. Visit Article Insider online for a list of breeds impacted by brachycephalic syndrome.
Lois McGarvey says
Oatmeal dog shampoo is excellent. There is no soap in it to take the flea & tick treatment off.
Izavella says
I’ve got a question, does it leave a nice odor? Is my dog gonna smell good as well?
:/ ?
Shanti Landon says
I think it’s pretty odorless. If you’d like to add some scent to it, you could put a few drops of your favorite essential oil like lavender that is safe for dogs!
sandi lafountain says
can epsom salt be used instead of baking soda?
Shanti Landon says
Hmm. I’m not sure about that, Sandi. I don’t know that Epsom salts have the same capabilities as baking soda?
Amanda says
Epsom salts do not have the same benefits as baking soda.
Baking soda is a Ph balancing, odor eliminating, Antibacterial, exfoliant and antifungal.
Epsom salts will soothe muscles and abrasions as well as exfoliate.
Jacintha gauthier says
What about tea tree oil ? In the shampoo??
Carl Pruett says
I’m not 100% but I don’t think your supposed to use tea tree oil on dogs. I think it’s even harmful to them.
Anne Nickel says
Tea tree oil is a repellent to keep ticks away
lfntwlk says
Lavender also repels fleas.
JMFS says
Your pup won’t smell like wet dog and should have a Very light sweet scent that will dissipate quickly when dry. I added vanilla extract, honey, and chamomile tea to ours. Lavender or chamomile essential oil are safe to add, as is rosemary essential oil. I’d avoid citrus, pines, or tea tree (it smells like turpentine to me and is up for debate as to its safety for dogs, Definitely not safe for cats).
I’ve seen several statements purporting lavender is effective against fleas. That has not been my experience, though I wish it were otherwise because it smells delightful.
Jessica says
From everything I csn find Rosemary essential oil is highly toxic for dogs but Rosemary extract is safe
Rhonda says
Can I use steel cut oats?
Shanti Landon says
I wouldn’t suggest steel cut oats.
Allison says
What’s wrong with steel cut oats?
Shanti Landon says
I find that the steel cut oats don’t blend as smoothly with regular blenders, but if you have a high-powered blender, they should do fine!
Jo says
Can I use oatmeal shampoo on my dog if they are gluten intolerant?
Victor says
Oats naturally are gluten free, however sometimes they get mixed with other grains in the field when they get packaged. Your dog should be fine.
Monica couch says
What essential oils shall I use to repel ticks, fleas, and mosquitoes in that homage made shampoo?
Tanya hebert says
Add blue original dawn dish soap it repels and gets rid of fleas instantly.in 9 years my dogs never once had fleas eith this monthly wash
Allison R Hanson says
Cedarwood. Rosemary and oregano. Neem or karanj powders or oil.
Suany says
White vinegar is good to add to the shampoo, not smell at all and leave the hair soft
Lillie says
I tried making this yesterday – well I made a big mistake – I put all ings. in a mason jar & shook it to mix together and it blew up!! I had oatmeal & glass everywhere! My fault for sure -Now I know-just thought to share incase anyone else would think of mixing it that way
Jennifer Griffith says
My, that is so helpful. Who knew.
Perhaps Shanti could add this to important notes in the recipe…?
JMFS says
I hope you weren’t harmed. Yikes! If you used a blender to grind the oats, add the rest of the ingredients after pummeling the oats into submission.
You have to wash the blender anyway, so may as well have it do the work for you!
I tend to keep colloidal oats (the fancy term for ground oats) in a plastic container in the freezer because it’s a Great base for face masks. I keep it in the freezer because we get weevil outbreaks any time we have any type of flour in the pantry – it’s maddening! Anyway, you can mix the colloidal oats with milk or cream and honey to make a face mask. Add fruit or cocoa for an extra boost (strawberries are good for acne with their natural salicylic acid, avocado for super moisturizing – I only use on feet, too much oil for the face, cocoa for antioxidant, mango, papaya, etc . . . there’s a world of info for different fruits and veggies’ benefits on the skin).
The point of all that is that it comes in handy when I need to mix up a batch of whatever I need to have the oats already ground. I also like to sift it through two colanders – one is medium grain and the second is fine. Then I toss the thicker pieces back into the blender for another round and repeat the process until all I have left is the hardest part of the oats that my blender isn’t tough enough to beat up. Those parts get thrown into dog bisquits when I feel like pretending I can bake (the dogs think I can).
Terry says
You never give cocoa to dogs. It’s highly toxic to them. You seriously need to read about the many things that are toxic to your furry friend. Google it. Pet med .com
And a lot of other sites tell you the same thing
Kellie says
They weren’t saying to give it to your dog. They were simply giving a list of things they like to add to their oat mixture for their natural beauty routine. So no worries!
Tanya heber says
You can add few drops of blue dawn dish soap its the best things cheap cost and safest to use for pets and cleans them from build up oils and also fleas repells and gets rid of them almost instantly.my dog is 9 years and never once had fleas do a monthky wash of this recipe with blue original dawn dish siap and walah…flea free
Ashley says
Can you use it on cats also?
Amanda Dickson says
I’ve got a question and a comment. My question is can you mix it up ahead of time and let it sit in an airtight container for a few months? Also I’ve heard if you use a small amount of lavender or tea tree oil it acts as a nautrual insect repellent.
radlandon says
Hmmm…not sure? I thought about using some natural essence, but at the time, was just in a hurry to wash her since she had an allergic reaction to some skunk shampoo I used. lol I would imagine it would last fine–but would need to be shaken before use. Let me know if you try it and if it works!
Debbie says
Have you heard of the natural skunk shampoo? It definitely works! I’ve used it on my 3 beagles and have also used it when my cat urinated on my carpet to take out that smell (just be careful, it can bleach certain fabrics). Here’s the recipe: 1 quart 3% hydrogen peroxide, 1/4 cup baking soda, 1 tsp liquid dish washing soap (I used dawn).
Wearing rubber gloves (we didn’t have gloves, you just turn your hands white and find all your cuts), wash your dog with this solution immediately after he’s been sprayed. DO NOT get the solution in the dog’s eyes. Let it set on your dog for 5 minutes if possible. Caution: Do NOT save this mixture or make it ahead of time, as the mixture could explode if left in a bottle. Rub the mixture through his fur. Rinse him thoroughly.
My dogs didn’t even have a wet dog smell afterward. I wish this was safe to use weekly! We did need to bath them the next day with dog shampoo because their skin was a bit irritated and dried out, but no other effects were noted.
Life Made Full says
Awesome, thanks!
Lassen Dog Raiser says
Something else that I have used for a de-skunking mixture is, as weird as it sounds, the Massengil douches (spelling?). They are PH balanced and there are absolutely no irritants for the dogs. I don’t know how they work but they do. While all of my dogs are large it takes a few of these, per dog, to get the job done but oh so worth it.
Lassen Dog Raiser says
this de-skunking mixture works wonders. I have used it many times. Recently my kids (dogs) got skunked and I used this as I have many times before. This time one of my kids had an allergic reaction to the mixture and he has been miserable with itching and allergies. He has lost a bunch of hair in patches so be very careful and watch for these signs on your critter. be sure to rinse the kids completely and when you think they are completely rinsed rinse them some more.
Karen says
This is an Amazing recipe for skunk odor remover. I’ve had to use it several times as my dogs just don’t seem to understand that they aren’t supposed to play with the skunks.
Cam, says
1/2 cup or so White distilled vinegar and water in a spray bottle . Easy gets rid of pet urine smell stains, you can add a cup or cup 1/2 in your laundry If you’re pet has an accident on clothing or bedding, I swear by it it also works for kids accidents and mildew and mold smell stains
Mary Sutherland says
Do not use tea tree oil.
Jeanna says
Amanda, PLEASE do not use tea tree essential oil on your dog ever! In the latest journal of Veterinary Medicine, they said to never use this on your animals, regardless of size. Tea tree oil is associated with canine ataxia, and should not be used. I know it is confusing, because you will find the ingredient in commercial dog products. But my vet told me that the over the counter pet product industry is highly unregulated, and that is why they are getting away with putting ingredients in products that are really not good for our animals. Thanks.
Debbie says
I’ve used straight tea tree oil on my dogs for years without a problems. It’s a natural antibiotic/antifungal/antiviral and has done wonders for their skin problems. Both my natural health practitioner and vet recommended it.
June says
We frequently treat dogs for Tea Tree Oil Toxicity. It’s sad and some have come very near death. Please don’t.
Michelle says
If you are using Tea Tree oil that is 100% pure with no other additives then you are safe in using it. It’s the Tea Tree oil that can be purchased just about any where that has warnings on the label you shouldn’t use.
Ignatz says
Cindy says
I used tea tree oil on my dog and he lost muscle control in his hind quarters after about a half hour. When I realized what was happening I washed him off immediately and the symptoms went away after a couple of hours. It was horrible…..
Kay says
my dog lost muscle control when I used frontline on him. My vet told me to use oatmeal shampoo with a couple drops of tea tree oil to prevent fleas and ticks. I guess what I’m saying is that each dog handles things differently. I’m sorry that happened to your dog.
Debra C says
Amen to that! I got scared when I saw “tea tree oil” as mentioned above. Bever, no, no, no, tea tree oil. But, I read that a “Green tea rinse” is very refreshing for your dog….
Sara says
I just made a mixture of green tea apple cider vinegar and distilled water for my dog the other night for an easy itchy skin remedy
Rhonda Ferntorp says
Personally I wouldn’t use tea tree oil. Lavender if in small amount apparently is ok but tea tree, pennyroyal and a few other ess oils can be harmful… I’ve been reading various items over the net etc.
Best to check with your Vet first perhaps. Cheers. Rhonda
Brenna Gorresen says
Don’t use tea tree oil — toxic to dogs.
Luzel says
Yes you can, and yes you can add a few drops of lavender or tee tree oil
Susan says
What makes the lather in this soap free oatmeal shampoo?
JMFS says
I’m 7 years late to your question, but maybe it will benefit someone else who passes by. If you put some honey in it you will be able to extend the shelf life as honey is a natural preservative. Otherwise it will begin to mold. It should be good for about 7 days in the fridge, but I think beyond that you’ll start seeing fun guys forming a party. Honey is also antibacterial, antimicrobial, humectant (attracts water), anti-inflammatory, and a bunch of other stuff I won’t burden you with. I use it in face masks for myself and today I took the article recipe and added 3 Tbs of honey. I also brewed some strong chamomile tea and mixed that in instead of water. Pro Tip: put the honey in the tea while the tea is still warm – it mixes better. I made it about the consistency of “fake” (as my dad calls it) maple syrup and after washing my pup I slathered this on her, working it into her skin as best I could, then let it sit for 10 minutes. The trick was getting it to be thin enough to spread but thick enough to stick. She’s a mellow pooch, usually, and the toughest part of this was preventing her from licking it because it smells delicious and it’s quite tasty (and safe). For my own face mask I’ll puree a strawberry (natural salicylic acid to zap pimples before they even Think about showing their faces). Anyway, after I rinsed the mask off her I then poured the remaining chamomile (room temp by this point) on her as chamomile is known to soothe skin irritations such as eczema. Dogs can drink chamomile, too, so you can treat from the inside out. I’ll mix up 4 cups (32 oz) with about 1 oz of honey (2 Tbs). I’ll then dole that out with her feedings over about 4 days. If she won’t drink it I’ll use it to wet her food Or make oatmeal for her to eat.
I’m here today because I slacked off on doing all that pampering and when I brushed her, poor Gertrude’s head looked like Ally Sheedy’s iconic dandruff (aka Parmesan cheese) scene in The Breakfast Club.
Rivka says
I tried this for my dog and it seemed to dry his skin severely – is 1 cup of baking soda really the right amount? It seemed like a lot at the time, and would not dissolve completely in the water, and since he got itchier than ever after I used it, I suspect some sort of typo.
radlandon says
Hmm, I’m not sure, Rivka? I’ve used it multiple times on our dog without any problem? Unfortunately, each dog is different, and it’s possible yours is sensitive to this for some reason?
Georgi says
1 cup oatmeal
1/2 cup baking soda
1 quart warm water
1/2 cup of baking soda not a cup.
Life Made Full says
Hi, Georgi. That’s what I have–I’m not sure what you mean?
Val says
In the original comment Rivka wrote “1 cup” of baking soda. Your recipe clearly says 1/2 cup.
That is what Georgi was trying to clarify.
Passing this recipe on to my son who has a cocker spaniel with skin problems.
Thanks for sharing it.
Cindy says
It says a half cup of baking soda.
Sandi says
The recipe I saw said 1 cup oatmeal, 1/2 cup baking soda.
Luzel says
Only half a cup of baking soda or even half of that
Devin says
Hey, I’m wanting to try this for my dog who has been itching like crazy, but I have a really stupid question to ask you (so don’t laugh)…when you say oatmeal do you mean 1 cup of oats (like, the dry kind)? Or just plain, no flavor oatmeal that you would eat for breakfast…? I know this is probably ridiculous but I really don’t know. Thanks!
radlandon says
Hi, Devin! It’s not a stupid question! I used regular oats (like the kind you buy in a big tub–Quaker). Hope that helps!
Katie says
I am going to try this! I was just wondering do you use the whole amount of shampoo at once?
radlandon says
I think I ended up using most of it, yes!
Dannie says
This sounds like it would be a great gift for my furry friends! Thanks for sharing. One question…when you say to “lather”, does this actually lather like shampoo (no soap was mentioned)? OK, 2 questions ;-))…has anyone had any problems rinsing it out of long haired-dogs?
radlandon says
It doesn’t really “bubble” up like lather, I just used that term to mean wash. lol And I’m not sure about long-haired dogs…hopefully someone else will answer!
Angela says
It was a complete nightmare to rinse out of my long haired dogs lol. They usually love bath time. Except this time, they couldn’t wait to make the great escape.
tori says
I have two aussies and it was not easy to get out of their long fur. That being said, I was able to get most of it out and brush out the rest while I dried them. I think it would have been easier if I could have sprayed it out of their fur…I can’t say for sure (just a thought). But they are clean, not itchy and for me personally it was worth it.
Claire says
This was difficult to rinse out of my Sheltie’s hair, but I was able to get most of it, after spraying him very thoroughly with water. I think next time I would strain the mixture with a cheese cloth or French press to remove any remaining chunks of oatmeal. He hasn’t dried yet, so we’ll have to see if he is itch-free, but he smells great! The only modification I made was adding one drop of lavender to the shampoo.
Leesa says
It is very simple to blend the oatmeal mixture as well. Maybe try this next time you are in need of an oatmeal bath. It seems it would rinse out better this way.
Kate says
I agree. Even when I’ve used a (clean) coffee grinder to grind the oats very, very fine, I’ve had trouble rinsing the shampoo out of my dog’s coat and have had small oat granules left in the bathtub. Next time I will strain the liquid through cheesecloth or something similar before using as a shampoo.
Jody says
Hi there,
I’ve used the basic oatmeal recipe listed above. I have added a few drops of lavender that works well as a natural flea/tick repellent. I have also included a few aloe Vera drops for it’s soothing benefits. As for the “lathering”, I have found adding a few drops of a natural dish liquid works great although I don’t notice if it actually had any benefits besides the actual soapy feel.
Jeanna says
PLEASE do not use Aloe Vera on your pets. While it is good for humans, it is very toxic to pets.
Anna says
Jeanna, that is not entirely correct. Aloe the PLANT is toxic to animals when EATEN. It has a natural latex in the sap in the leaves that acts as a purgative and can cause severe diarrhea in animals. Aloe Vera GEL, professionally processed as you find it bottled in the stores, should not be harmful to pets if applied topically, especially if in a shampoo mix that’s going to be washed off. The gel comes from the middle of the leaf and the toxic sap from the outer leaf is not part of the mixture. This info is from a vet from the University of Illinois.
Yikes ! was just about to use this …Thank you for saving me from a disaster
Lois Avci says
Note that it is possible to be sensitive to aloe. I would never use it in dog shampoo because it takes the skin off my hands. (I am not exaggerating. A drop or two getting inside my rubber gloves would cause my skin to blister and peel.)
Debra C says
Amen to that! I got scared when I saw “tea tree oil” as mentioned above. Bever, no, no, no, tea tree oil. But, I read that a “Green tea rinse” is very refreshing for your dog….
Also NO on the aloe Vera too! Again very toxic to animals.
Coconut oil is great for silky, smooth and helping dryness. And lavender essential oil for great smell and flea repellent!
Carrie sullivan says
So adding a few drops of dawn dish soap to the oatmeal shampoo and would stirring together, as i am using a grinder to grind my oatmeal up not a blender
tay says
I know this post it’s for sensitive/itchy skin but….just an fyi for a good skunk remover (my vet and groomer recommended this whom I am really good friends with also).
1 bottle qt size of 3 percent hydrogen peroxide
1/4 cup baking soda
1/2 tsp of dawn dish soap
mix and use
just dont add more soap, this stips the oils in their coat. Hence getting rid of the skunk smell.
Eddie Davenport says
I just tried this recipe. I’ll let you know how it works. I did notice that my Oreo, was not gagging like she does with store brand shampoos. I do need to grind the oatmeal better. The first time she shook, she decorated the walls and me with a coating of oatmeal bits. It was rather funny…. We all smell good!
sue says
OMG thx for sharing LOL
Valeria says
Just one comment regarding baking soda: it really is quite irritant – ok, the oats are grat but you ned to neutralise the soda. Use vinegar dilluted in water, 1 cup per litre I’d say, to rinse. Not only it’ll begood for the skin, the hair will be super shiny afterwards!
PD: this shampoo can also be used for people, but make sure to rinse with vinegar!
Katie H. says
I know baking soda irritates the heck out of my skin (I tried deodorant with it). I don’t think I’d use baking soda for shampoo unless it’s really diluted. You could maybe sprinkle it on the fur to absorb odors, though. Even with the “no poo” method for human hair washing, I think people are only using like a tablespoon of baking soda in a whole cup or two of water. Just my 2 cents.
Carroll the Irishman says
I am very glad to have received your story via another great place of information. My Bloodhound has got an itch and her Vet just said it was from laying around on the carpet BUT, I don’t buy it. We’re both mid 60’s to the low 70’s kind of man and dog. It’s been unusually hot here this summer and my belief is she’s just been over heated. This would dry her skin out and I’m going to save some $$ by making this recipe and healing her up. Everything in life happens for a reason and because I’ve been thinking about her condition, the Cosmos has given me an answer to the problem. Or, I can thank Almighty God for being that Cosmos and taking the concern away. Thanks for posting it very much.
HollyMolly says
Just used this on my pup who’s been itching a lot lately, so far seems to have helped
gxlopez370 says
one question if the baking soda does not dissolve is it still good to use? Im afraid to use it on my dog.
Life Made Full says
Hi, gxlopez370. I haven’t had any problems! Just make sure you rinse well. =)
Kiri says
Came across this and I notice my dog has a patch of hair missing so I wanted to try it but was wondering how often you used it on your dog? And if your dogs hair grew back. I know it was posted a couple years ago so thanks for the post. I’m sure it’ll help.
Shanti Landon says
I only used it a few times, and her skin wasn’t itchy anymore. My dog didn’t lose any hair, though, she just had dry, itchy skin. Good luck with your doggy!
josiane says
im going to try it but does it get odors of beaucause i have a lab and it stinks so im tring to get some homemade dog shampoo with stuff at home please reply with a answer of good smelling dog shampoo
Shanti Landon says
Hi, Josiane. I’m not sure about smells. This shampoo is more for itchy, dry skin. Although you may be able to add in some essential oils to help it smell nice. =)
josiane says
thanks alot and i saw a video of almos the same recipe and the guy said that it gives shinier and smells not bad but nuthing:)
Dawn says
What is a 1 quart warm water
Shanti Landon says
Hi, Dawn! 1 quart = 2 pints
Julie Hinsley says
re oatmeal shampoo for dogs- I strain the oatmeal through a sieve as the resulting milky fluid is just as effective. I would not attempt to keep it too long though as it will go off after a week. I use this with some honey as a wash for myself as I have psoriasis – it is very soothing
Pooka advani says
Thank u so much is all I need to say ,my angel has this prob since she is a baby the vet regularly injects her various shampoos various diets no results I have tried the oatmeal shampoo today n her fur seems soft she has not itched in the last three hours which is a relief would feel miserable see her itch n could do nothing about it
Shanti Landon says
That’s great, Pooka! Thanks for letting me know!
Nicole says
Hey there,
wonderful comments about the skunks haha just went through that with my dog, but I had a question. I just adopted a pup from the shelter that has lice so its been tough keeping my dogs seperate until it clears. I have to give her two more baths over 2 weeks but she is loosing tons of hair from itching all the time. I was going to try this oatmeal shampoo to help sooth the itch but do you have any other suggestions? or how often would you use this
Shanti Landon says
Aw, that’s hard!! I don’t really have other suggestions, but I think you could definitely Google it and hopefully get some good ideas! Good luck!!
shierly says
I would like to ask if this recipe is for once use? or few times bathing?
How long can it be stored?
1 more question, can I use PALMAROSA essential oil ? For it’s good for Flea & Tick treatment.
Need info. Thanks
Shanti Landon says
I got two baths out of it. =) I would probably not store for more than a few weeks. As for Palmarosa, I’m sorry, but I don’t have any experience with that oil. I’d love to share which company I use and trust, please feel free to email me at: lifemadefull@gmail.com if you’d like more info!
Carrie says
Hello, I used your shampoo as my dog has been itching like crazy..he actually wakes me up in the night thumping on the floor :(. He has not itched since I washed him so, so far so good :).. My question is how many times should I do this? Would it be to much to use it every time he starts itching?
Shanti Landon says
Hi, Carrie! I would say it’s safe to use once or twice a week. I wouldn’t want to wash away their natural oils, so I would only use when you notice the itching. =)
Marcel's person says
I have a Bichon who loves to shake during his bath. I cannot imagine the mess oatmeal all over the bathroom – including me – would make. I am wondering if one could boil up the fine oatmeal and just use the cooled oatmeal water to keep the mess down – would work. Has anyone tried that?
lfntwlk says
Great to have a home recipe. I add Lavender essential oil fir a nice scent and to repel fleas.
Our Katie is allergic to grass and other pollen that covers it. Last summer she was so miserable, and knowing baking soda paste was an old remedy to dry poison ivy and take the itch out, I gave her a dry Baking Soda rub before bed. A surprise benefit for her was how cool to the touch the soda is.
So this became her bedtime routine that was a cooling, natural way to take the heat out if her rash, tone down the redness and the itch for a good night’s sleep. She feels so much better and happily rolls over for her treatment and some extra cuddling. Works great between her oatmeal baths.
Jamie says
Be careful with this though, because if your dog is itching because of a yeast problem (both my dogs suffer from yeast issues), the oatmeal can actually feed the yeast and make it worse!
must love dogs says
I used this recipe on my dog I just tweeked it a bit. I made the shampoo just the way it said then let it sit in the water for several hours I then strained the oatmeal out of it and just used the liquid. I added a little bit of dawn to the oatmeal water. I let it sit on there for 5 min then rinsed well. I used this before but didn’t strain it and I oatmeal chunks all over the place and had a hard time getting it out of his fur. I have a 120 German Shepherd Dog with a lot of allergies he has lost his hair before so I have to be very careful what I put on him. The vet said to use Dawn Original only but the oatmeal with it really helps with his scratching and his coat looks really shiney.
jane says
can anyone tell me if bicarbonate of soda is the same as baking soda?
I cant get baking soda anywhere
Shanti Landon says
Hi, Jane! Here’s what I found online:
Baking soda and bicarbonate of soda are different names for the same thing; in Australia, we mostly refer to it as bicarbonate of soda, but overseas, especially in America, it is referred to as baking soda. They aren’t interchangeable, but bicarbonate of soda and baking powder are both leavening agents.
Why is it just for dogs? I don’t see anything in the ingredients that would hurt a human.
Heather says
Does anyone know the shelf life for this dog shampoo is? My dog Missy, is forever and a day digging at her self, either from dry skin or fleas. Not sure which. I am going to make this soap for her, but am wondering how long it will last. Could you please email me with your reply?
Shanti Landon says
Hi, Heather! I tried emailing you, but it was returned to me. I would say this soap would last for 2-3 weeks if kept in a cool place. Hope that helps!
Dixie says
Gee. A little bit of arguments here, people! Please. Calm down and let’s help our furry babies! Okay. My 3 dogs – 2 x large and one smallish, endured a long term flea treatmen/infestation. Wow was that hard on them all! All organIc produc but left them all with extreme dander. My sensitive skinned German shepherd is suffering most – spots that leak, sores thar are bloody I think etc still. Especially around his cheeks. What can I do for him and the other 2? I believe they’ve just been washed to often. Trying the oatmeal shampoo tomorrow. My German Shepherd loves plain old vaseline. Then licks it off. Loves it! Any suggestions?
April says
Should it be a thick paste or very watery
Shanti Landon says
It should be liquidy.
michelle says
I added about 1 TBSP of coconut oil to the recipe…worked amazingly, she is a happier less itchy puppers!
Shanti Landon says
Alicia says
Hi, what kind of oatmeal do you used? instant oatmeal or quick cook oatmeal or rolled oat?
Shanti Landon says
Hi, Alicia! I just used quick cook Quaker oatmeal. =)
Gina Lombardo Straub says
Tea tree oil should only ever be used diluted. Like 1 drop of essential oil to a 12 of bottle of shampoo. If the vet is recommending to not use it due to current findings, I surely won’t. There are so many recipes for homemade flea shampoo and powder on the internet. ACV (apple cider vinegar) is in slot of them. What is your opinion on this?
Shanti Landon says
Hi, Gina! I’ve heard good things about using ACV, but haven’t tried it myself. Sorry I’m not more help!
Alex says
Worked wonderfully!
I often board dogs & sometimes the smell is too much, especially when they are needy & want to sleep on the bed ; ) The fact that I massaged it in for a few minutes really got the baking soda to do it’s magic.
Vanessa says
Thanks for sharing! Does this work for one recipe?
Shanti Landon says
Hi, Vanessa! I haven’t made a one-use recipe…but I’m sure you could cut the recipe in 1/2 for less!
Luna says
I just mixed a batch for my pup. She’s a boxer/pitty mix and has shown signs of dermal irritations (i.e. hotspots)
It smelled wonderful, the cat even liked it & started licking my forehead…
I did use a fresh steaped green tea in place of water and a tablespoon of coconut oil for additional soothing & conditioning.
I couldn’t resist patting a little on my own skin!
I hope this provides some relief. She is the most amazing pup and deserves some pampering
Luna says
I’m giving this a try on my pup. She’s a boxer/pitty mix and has hotspots.
I did substitute fresh brewed green tea for water and blended a tablespoon of coconut oil into it all.
I tested it on my own face! It smells fabulous, even the cat liked it, she showed her approval by licking my forehead…
As for our pup, she’s so amazing & deserves some pampering.
I hope this does the trick !
peggy cross says
Could I just do oatmeal and coconut oil. I dont have any baking soda and it’s coming a flood here. What does the baking soda do? He doesn’t smell just scratching like crazy.
Moksha Essentials says
Excellent post and wonderful blog, this sort of interesting posts I really like, keep it up…
Aromachology Oils says
Wonderful read! Thank you for the insightful recipe, can’t wait to try!
Aromachology Oils says
Wonderful suggestions, can’t wait to try! Thank you for such a well described post.